Book 2: Epilogue

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New Moon

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I was sitting on Bella's truck talking to Jasper when I saw a familiar shirtless man. My eyes went wide.

"Paul" I said shocked. "Thanks for giving me the memo that they're back" he said sarcastically making me look down.

"I found out from Jacob, of all people him. I thought I was your friend. I helped you and you don't even tell me your leech is back" Paul said.

"You're right I should have told you and for that I apologise. They've been back for three days now" I said.

"Three days, but Jacob only knew of two days" he said. "I'm sorry Paul I really am" I said. "It's fine" he said through his teeth.

"I want to say thank you for looking after Angel when I failed" Jasper said. "I didn't do it for you leech" Paul replied.

"Whatever your reason I am forever grateful. But please know that I never plan to leave her until the day I die" Jasper told him.

"Just know that if you bite her or kill her then you all die" Paul said. "I know. I won't hurt her" Jasper told the wolf.

Paul gave me a nod before he headed off. "The wolves love you too" Edward said making me jump. I didn't even know he was there.

"I was in Bella's room" he said. "Makes sense" I said. "We should go home. Are you coming" Jasper asked me.

"I better besides I'm sure Edward could use some sleep" I said making Edward smile as we had back to their house, in Jasper's car.

When we arrive we go to Jasper's room. "Ok get ready to go to sleep" I said and Edward laughed not knowing how well my powers work.

"Oh and I don't know

I don't know what he's after

But he's so beautiful

Such a beautiful disaster

And if I could hold on

Through the tears and the laughter

Would it be beautiful

Or just a beautiful disaster"

When I finished I noticed both guys asleep on Jasper's bed. "I love you so much Jasper Hale" I said as I kissed his forehead.


"She's a danger, she could kill us all" my brother said. "Patience my brother. We will run into her one day and force her to join us" I said.

"How can we force her" my brother asked. "She has a weakness, the boy, Jasper Hale and her cousin Bella" my other brother said.

"So we trick her into joining us using them" my first brother said. "Yes and if that doesn't work we change her bonds make her love another" I said.

"We do know someone who has an interest in her" my first brother said. "If we have to we'll change her bond and make her love Alec" I said smiling.

Oh my beautiful Siren Angel you will join us and you will be one of us, no matter how long it takes we will have you.

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End Of Book 2

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