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The smirk on my face wouldn't leave as I watched Emmett get thrown to the ground by Jasper after he was bragging about being better than Jasper.

"Again" Emmett snapped as he charged at Jasper. I watched along side Rosalie. We knew Emmett was stronger but Jasper had more experience.

"They're the best fighters" Rosalie said to me. "What about Oliver? I'm sure he's pretty good" I said and she shrugged.

Emmett got thrown into a tree. "Oliver take over" Jasper said as he came over to me and Rosalie with a smirk on his face.

"What did you think" he asked me. "I think Emmett done brilliantly he was fan-" I was cut off by him pressing his lips against mine in a passionate kiss.

He pulled away leaving me slightly breathless. "What did you think" he asked with a smirk on his lips. "Argh it was okay" I said.

He kissed my cheek before going back to Oliver and Emmett. He was shaking his head annoyed at them.

"What's he gonna do" I asked. "Jasper's the most skilled of us with fighting, much to Emmett's annoyance" Rosalie told me.

We watched as Jasper fought both Emmett and Oliver at once. Emmett got thrown into a tree while Oliver was thrown into a rock.

"They're here" Edward said. I looked to see the pack. "Hi guys" I said smiling at them, noticing the two new wolves.

Edward looked at the wolves. "They don't trust us enough to be in human form, even with Angel here" he said.

"They're here that's what matters" Carlisle said. I noticed Embry and Paul. I couldn't help but smile at them.

"Will you translate" Carlisle asked Edward who nodded his head. "Welcome" Carlisle said. "Sam says they'll watch and listen, but that's the most we can ask of them with their self-control" Edward said.

"That will be fine. Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them" Carlisle said. "They want to know how these 'newborns' differ from us" Edward said.

"They're a great deal stronger than us, because their own human blood lingers in their tissue. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life" Carlisle said.

Jasper stepped forward. "Carlisle is right. That's why newborns are created for armies" Jasper told the wolves.

"One of them, Quil, he wants to know how many vampires constitute an army. He seems to be.. nervous by the term" Edward said smirking. "Of course he's nervous" I snapped.

"An Army is an expression for a large number of newborns. The good news is they are not in the thousand like a human army" Jasper said pausing.

"The bad news is no human army could stand against them. But they are untrained and their thirst will make them wild, volatile. That can work in our favour" Jasper said.

He moves to the middle of the field. He started to become more commanding. I could see by his facial expressions.

"The two most important things to remember, first never let them get their arms around you, they'll crush you so fast your head will spin" he said.

"Secondly never go for the obvious kill. They'll be ready and they will kill you" Jasper said as if it was the most obvious thing.

"Emmett" Jasper said as Emmett stood opposite him. "Don't hold back" he said. "Not in my nature" Emmett smirked.

We watched as Emmett charged for Jasper who kept dodging him with ease. Emmett was grabbing air.

"You have to come at them from the side and keep moving. Always be moving" Jasper said as he grabbed Emmett and put his teeth next to his neck.

I watched as every single one of the Cullens tried to attack Jasper, not at once but individually, the only one who stood a chance was Alice since she saw all his moves in her mind.

She managed to get on his back. "Got you" she said as she kissed his cheek. I couldn't help but smile at how they were so sweet to each other, she did help him a lot.

"I want a go" I said making everyone look at me. "Come on I'm strong, I've been training. I mean since I can't actually fight it would be nice to practice" I said.

Paul's wolf growled. "No" I snapped at him knowing what he was thinking. He thought it was 'too dangerous' even though I kicked his arse so many times.

"I'll do it" Edward said. Everyone looked at him. "I can't see into her head anymore and I won't go too hard since she's.. Bella's cousin" he said.

"If you hurt her I'll kill you" Jasper whispered harshly that I'm sure only the wolves and other vampires heard, I pretended I didn't.

We got in position and Edward smirked. "Don't hold back" I said mocking Jasper. "Not in my nature" Edward said mocking Emmett. "HEY" Emmett said folding his arms.

Edward charged for me but I dodged him. I go to grab him but he grabs me. I used my shield to push him off and he goes flying to the ground. "Wow" I heard a whisper from Bella.

An annoyed Edward came to me and I used my powers to move him back, but I used a bit too much power he went flying into a tree.

He comes charging at me and I get knocked into a tree. "That's enough" Jasper said as him and Paul's wolf went towards Edward.

I get up and use my powers to gently move Jasper and Paul back. They couldn't move while my purple eyes were fixed on Edward.

I lifted up my hand and he fell to the floor in pain. I heard a crack and stopped. I noticed he had a crack down his face.

"Edward I'm so sorry" I said. He got up and smirked. "You're more powerful than any of us knew" he said.

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~(End Of Part 14)~

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