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"A-Angel your hair" Bella told me. I turned my hair to see it slowly changing back to dark brown almost black. "I'm changing back" I whispered.

Riley kicked Seth into the rock breaking it. "Seth" I gasped out. He was too weak to move at the moment and Riley knew it.

The vampire ran towards us, but Edward stopped him fighting both Riley and Victoria. He was struggling a lot.

They were nearly taking his head off. I knew I needed to be full Siren to protect them, to protect Bella otherwise we'd all die.

Third Person P.O.V

The three vampires on top of their mountain were staring at the glowing body of Angel shocked at what was happening.

Edward was the only one who knew what was happening. Seth was slowly gaining strength so he used this moment to attack Riley.

"Victoria" Riley said as Seth started to tear him apart. Edward's arm went around Victoria but she fought back flipping Edward around.

Angel finally stopped glowing. Her hair was black and but her eyes were purple. She looked at Victoria with glowing eyes.

Victoria was scared. She never saw anything like this. Angel put her hand up to stop the vampire from moving.

"You messed with my family so now you pay" Angel told her as she ripped her apart on the spot shocking Edward.

She looked at Riley and then ripped the rest of him apart too. She picked up their pieces and put them in a pile before looking at Bella.

"Angel you're.." Bella paused. "I know. I didn't have a choice. I wasn't going to let Edward die" Angel told her making the older Swan hug her.

Edward set fire to the torn up pieces of the defeated vampires. He looked at Angel feeling slightly proud at how powerful she was.

"Thank you" Edward told her. "Bella loves you and I love her. I would do anything for the people she loves" Angel said.

A small smirk was on her face. "Besides you're going to be my cousin in law" she said making Edward smile at her.

"We should get to the others" he said. The three walk towards were the others are and they looked shocked at Angel.

"What happened" Rosalie asked. "I guess I'm a full Siren so sorry you lot you're stuck with me forever. I know it's going-" Angel was cut off by lips pressed against hers

Of course Angel knew who it was. There was only one person that would openly kiss her on the lips and that was Jasper.

They pulled apart and smiled at each other. "How long" Edward asked. "Few minutes maybe ten" Alice said.

"They timed their arrival well" Rosalie said. "Probably hoping the Newborns took a few of us out" Emmett said.

Edward noticed a girl putting vampire pieces in a fire. "We offered her safe haven if she stopped fighting, she took it" Esme said.

"The pack needs to leave. The Volturi won't honour a truce with werewolves" Carlisle said and Angel nodded her head.

"Where's Jacob" Bella asked. "There" Edward said pointing to him. A loud snarl is heard and a vampire tries to attack them.

Leah wolf went to attack him. "Leah don't" Edward said but she didn't listen. Jacob went to defend her but the vampire put his arms around crushing him, not enough to kill him but enough to cause terrible pain.

Jacob shifted back to human form. Angel ripped the vampire to pieces with her hands before moving the pieces to the fire.

"Jacob" Bella said. Edward and Carlisle go over Jacob. "Jacob hold on. Carlisle will take care of you" Edward said. "The bones on the right half of his body are shattered" Carlisle said.

"I'm here Jake, right here" Bella said. The rest of the wolves were in human form around Jacob, Leah being annoyed.

"Jacob you idiot I had it" Leah said. "Knock it off" Paul snapped at her. "I need to set the bones before his accelerated healing kicks in. It's already starting" Carlisle said.

"We have to get him out of here before the Volturi arrive. We won't win a fight with them" Edward said to Sam.

"Go I'll be there as soon as I can" Carlisle said. "We'll bring him to Billy's" Sam said. "Hang on Jake" Bella said as the wolves carried Jacob off.

After a minute, four hooded figures emerge. "Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude" Jane said. "We were lucky" Carlisle said. "I doubt that" Jane said.

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight, sister" Alec said. "Yes. It's not often we're rendered.. unnecessary" Jane said.

"If only you arrived a half hour earlier you could have fulfilled your purpose here" Edward said. "What a pity" Jane said.

Alec was staring intensely at Angel so Jasper wrapped his arm around his mate making the older vampire glare at him.

Jane noticed the newborn Bree sitting by the fire. "You missed one" Jane said. "We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender" Carlisle said. "That wasn't yours to offer" Jane said.

"Why did you come" Jane asked Bree before using her power on the newborn causing her to scream in pain.

"They came to destroy us, to kill Bella and Angel" Esme said. Jane ignores her and continues to torture the newborn.

"Who created you" Jane asked. "You don't have to do that. She'll tell you anything you want to know" Esme said. "Oh I know" Jane said smiling before stopping her gift.

"I don't know. Riley wouldn't tell us. He said our thoughts weren't safe" Bree said. "Her name was Victoria, perhaps you knew her" Edward asked.

"Edward, if the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would have stopped her. Isn't that right Jane" Carlisle said. "Of course" Jane replied.

"Felix" Jane said looking at Bree. Felix started to move. "She didn't know what she was doing" Esme said defending the girl.

"The Volturi don't offer second chances" Jane said looking at Bella. "Keep that in mind. Caius will be interested to know she's still human" Jane said. "The date is set" Bella said.

Alec looked at Angel with a small smirk. "Aro will be happy to know you've chosen your path" he said while Felix destroyed Bree.

"Thank you Felix" Jane said. "Until next time" Alec said smirking again at Angel before the four Volturi disappear.

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~(End OF Part 20. The next part is the last part of this story.)~

Angel  (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now