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New Moon

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"This eases the pain"

"You still love him"

When he said that, it was the start of my nightmares. Just like Bella, I too developed nightmares of our times with the Cullens.

I didn't wake up screaming. I woke up crying, though no one knew, no one heard me and I didn't want them too.

Me and Bella were in school. Bella was much better and I wasn't. We were in the lunch hall and go over to our friends.

"I'll kill Tyler if he gave me his flu" Jessica said. "It's going around. My sister was sick so couldn't come to our hike" Angela said.

"Oh not this again" Eric mumbled but I heard. "We saw something Eric" Angela said. "I believe you" he replied.

"No he doesn't. He's just trying to get lucky" Jessica said. "Is that an option, then I totally believe you" Eric said hopeful.

"It was jet black and huge. When it was on all fours it was still taller than a person" Angela told them.

I knew what it was. Jet Black? Huge? Taller than a person? It was Sam and the others. They needed to be more careful.

"Maybe a bear" Eric said. "Or Big Foot" Jessica said. "Or an Alien. You're lucky you didn't get probed" Mike said. "We saw it" Angela said.

"You're not the only one" Bella said making everyone look at her. "A couple of Hikers got killed by some animal but they can't find the animal" she said.

"I did hear some guy talking about it at the store" Mike said. "Last time you clowns doubt my girlfriend" Eric said.

"You know since you're all talking again that we could go to the movies" Mike said to Bella who shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah sure" Bella replied.

"We could check out hmm.. Love Spelled Backward Is Love, it's meant to be a romantic comedy. I'm sure-" Mike was cut off.

"No romance. How about Face Punch" Bella said. "I mean it's an action movie" Mike said slightly disappointed.

"Do you guys were go to the movies to see Face Punch" Bella asked. She looked at me almost pleading for me to go with her.

She gave me puppy dog eyes. "Yeah sure" I said knowing that I wouldn't be able to say no to her especially since she was finally talking to everyone again.

"I remember the trailer's like pew, pew! Face Punch! Punch faces" Eric said. "Yay movie night with Bella and Angel" Jessica said.

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Bella was in line getting our tickets. I was sitting behind Jacob and Mike while they had their manly talk.

"Face Punch, huh? Do you know like action movies" Jacob asked Mike. "I don't mind them" Mike said and it fell silent.

"Are you even old enough to see this mean? I mean you know without adult supervision" Mike asked making me roll my eyes.

"Right, yeah. Well Bella's buying my ticket for me" Jacob told him. "Right I just thought- never mind" he said.

Bella came over. "Jessica bailed and Angela's got the stomach flu so Eric is taking care of her so it's just us four" she said. "Great" both Jacob and Mike said sarcastically.

We go in the movie theatre and it was awkward. Bella was in the middle of Mike and Jacob while both guys tried holding her hand.

During one of the action scenes Mike ran out of the theatre so we all left. Bella and Jacob were sitting on the stairs.

"What a marshmallow" Jacob said and I smiled before walking away so I could see if Mike was coming over.

After a few minutes Mike came. "You okay" I asked. "I need to go home. I was feeling sick before the movie" he said.

I noticed Jacob getting angry. "What's your problem" Mike asked him. "You're my problem" he replied angrily.

"Feeling sick? Maybe you need to go to the hospital" he said stepping towards Mike. "Want me to put you there" he asked.

"Chill" I said. "Jake you're really hot. You feel like you have a fever, are you Okay" Bella asked him making my eyes go wide.

"I'll take Jacob home" I said. He looked at me annoyed. "I can go home myself" he snapped at me making me sigh.

"Jacob I'm taking you home" I said. "I DON'T NEED A BABY SITTER" he snapped as he ran off and I looked at the others. "Go I'll talk to him" I said to the others as I ran after him.

I knew what was happening, of course I did he was going to phrase. I called Paul on my phone and he answered.

"What's up Doll face" he asked. "Jacob, phrasing" I mentioned to say. "Get him to the forest" Paul said before hanging up.

I was out of breath as I finally arrived at Jacob's house. He was shaking. "Jake you have to trust me, follow me" I said.

"NO. YOU'RE ONE OF THEM. YOU TOOK EMBRY AWAY" he snapped at me. "Jake calm down" Billy told him.

"You're right Jacob I took him away. I took him away and I'm going to take Quil away and leave you with nobody" I said.

His shaking got worse. "You'll have nobody left and I'll have all your friends. Then I'll take Bella away too" I said.

That was it, he phrased in front of me. I stepped back. He came towards me and I focused my energy into the shield like I did to protect Bella. He couldn't get me, he tried but he couldn't.

Just then two wolves came, Sam and Paul. Jared was in human form, since Paul was a hot head and Jared was more calm that's why he was in human form.

"I'll leave it here" I said as I dropped the shield and start to leave. "Thank you" Billy said to me and I nod my head as I leave.

After the walk I arrived at home. Bella was waiting for me. "How is he" she asked. "He'll be okay, he threw up" I told her and she nodded her head before going to her room.

A sigh escaped my mouth. I was hoping she'd find out. I would never tell her though it was a promise I made to Sam never to tell anyone.

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