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It's been a day since my birthday and I was going to La Push to train with the wolves much to everyone annoyance no one not even Bella was allowed to join.

Paul was standing by a motorcycle, probably one he burrowed from Jacob, not that it bothered me, I liked motorcycles better than cars.

"You don't have to, if you don't want" Rosalie said. Rosalie and Jasper both insisted on driving me to the treaty line.

"As much as we don't want Angel to go this is for the best. It will help her understand and control her powers" Jasper said making me smile.

"Fine" she said sighing in defeat. "I'll be okay Rose, Paul's a good guy and a good friend, he won't let anyone hurt me" I said. "We'll see" she said.

Then she got out the car and went over to Paul, making sure she stayed on the line of the treaty making me gulp.

Me and Jasper get out of the car and run over to them, unfortunately I wasn't used to my spend and bumped into Paul sending us flying to the ground.

"Okay that hurt" Paul said making both Rosalie chuckle and Jasper smirk. Me and Paul got up and looked at the two vampires.

"Remember what I said" Rosalie said. "Like I'd hurt her" Paul said back. "Okay now we got that out of the way, I'll see you guys later" I said.

I give Rosalie a big hug then hug Jasper. "I love you" I told him. "I love you too" he said as he kissed my cheek.

We go our separate ways. Paul got on the motorcycle and I got on the back off. "Hold on my little Lion" he said making me roll my eyes.

He drove off and we soon arrived at Emily's house. "Oh sweet do I get to eat. I'm starving" I said making him chuckle.

Just then Embry, Jared, Quil and another guy I didn't know came out. "Finally joined the gang hey Quil" I said.

"I could say the same, though you've changed more" he said eying me up. "I've always been gorgeous" I said winking.

"Angel it's good to see you" Sam said as he came out. "It's always a pleasure Sammy boy" I said smirking making him roll his eyes.

"As you all are aware Angelina here is a Siren, right now she is in full Siren. She will have the ability to turn it on and off, though she needs to find her trigger" Sam said.

"Maybe Paul is her trigger" Embry said. "We can beat him up and see if that works" Jared said smirking making me roll my eyes.

"Funny Cameron, so funny, ha, ha, ha" Paul said sarcastically. "Come on boys behave" I said making them all roll there eyes.

"So what exactly is a Siren" the unfamiliar boy asked. "See someone who talks sense. What's your name kid" I asked. "Seth Clearwater" he said grinning.

"Right, back on topic, a Siren is a magical creature that can send other creatures to sleep by singing and even command them" Sam said.

All the boys eyes went wide while I grinned. "Though their powers mainly work on male's but powerful ones can use their abilities on females" Sam said.

"Yeah so be nice to me or I'll get my Siren on you" Paul said as he went towards Quil. I focused on stopping Paul and he couldn't move.

Everyone looked at me. "How are you doing that" Quil asked. "I'm just focusing on him not hurting you" I said.

"Your trigger is safety. You care about people not getting hurt" Sam said. "Really wow, I did not know that, thanks Sam you're a real genius" I said sarcastically making everyone laugh.

"Can you release them" Paul asked. I let him go and he glared at Quil before standing next to Jared.

"Have you ever moved an object without physically touching it" Sam asked. "I don't think I've tried" I said.

Sam got an apple from his pocket and put it on the floor. "I want you to pick this up and move it, with your mind" he said.

I focused and it didn't work. "Imagine that the apple is in pain, that it's life depends on you moving it from harm" he said.

"Yeah because the apple totally has feelings" Jared said laughing. I focused on him and managed to pick him up in the air and throw him to the ground.

My eyes went wide. Jared looked like he was about to snap at me. He was shaking viciously and growling at me.

Then it happened. He charged for me. I focused and put a shield around me. This one was much more powerful than the others because as soon as he hit it he went flying backwards.

"Okay that's cool" Seth said. "Impressive, very impressive you have Telekinesis and a Shield, two very rare and powerful let's say gifts" Sam said.

"How can I control them more" I asked. "We will help you, every way we can. So boys get used to Angel being around, she will be here a lot" Sam said.

It would be nice hanging out with the wolves they were pretty cool people. I just knew the others wouldn't like it.

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~(End Of Part 3)~

Angel  (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now