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Monday rolled around quickly, Edward came to pick up me and Bella. Jasper's been slightly distant with me lately.

"Are you sorry you went" Edward asked Bella. "No, it was great seeing mum" Bella said. "It was just hard saying goodbye" I said.

"It doesn't have to be goodbye" Edward told her. "Is that why you wanted me to go? Hoping I changed my mind" Bella asked. "I'm always hoping for that" he said.

Then I notice him go stiff. "What" Bella asked. "Would you stay in the car if I asked you too" Edward asked and with the Bella go out.

"Of course no" Edward said as I quickly, but not too quickly and followed Bella. I noticed Jacob climb off his motorcycle.

"Jake" Bella said. "Charlie said you left town" he said. "To see my mother why" Bella asked. I knew what he was thinking it was obvious.

"He's here to make sure you're still human" Edward said. "Want to read my mind? Do it and I hope you enjoy" Jacob said.

Edward looked distressed. "What are you doing" Bella asked worried. "Just taking a trip down memory lane" Jacob said. "Jacob" I said and he stopped.

"I'm here to warn you" Jacob started. "If your kind come on our land again" he continued but was cut off. "Wait what" me and Bella said in unison.

"You didn't tell them" Jacob said. "Leave it alone Jacob" Edward said. "I bet you didn't tell her about the other one" Jacob said.

Just then Jasper, Alice and Oliver come over. "What's going on" Jasper asked. "Yous didn't tell them" Jacob said.

"Tell us, we want to know" Bella said. "We deserve to know" I said feeling quite annoyed before I feel calm. "Don't" I said snapping at Jasper.

"There was a stupid misunderstanding between Emmett and Paul-" I cut Edward off. "How are they? How's Paul and Emmett" I asked. "They're fine nothing to worry about" Edward said.

"Man listen to you. Did you lie to get them out of town too" Edward asked. "Leave. Now" Jasper said annoyed.

"They have a right to know since they're the ones the red head wants" Jacob said making my eyes go wide.

"Victoria's back? Alice's vision, it wasn't about Oliver was it? It was Victoria" Bella said. "I was trying to protect you" Edward said. "By lying to me" she asked.

She looked at Jacob. "I'm going with you" she said. "Bella" Edward started. "Edward you have to trust me" Bella said. "I do I don't trust him" he said.

Bella got on Jacob's motorcycle. "Hold on" Jacob said. He looked at me one time with a small smirk on his face.

"Jacob no" Edward said. "You better ask lover boy who Louise is. They were pretty cosy the other day" Jacob said before driving off with Bella.

I was confused. "Who's Louise" I asked them. "I think this is a conversation for another time" Jasper said. "Who. Is. Louise" I asked again.

"She's a.. friend" Jasper said. The way I said it I knew there was more, something he wasn't telling me angering me.

"Fine don't tell me" I said walking off. "Angel wait" Edward said grabbing my arm. I looked at him and felt tears run down my face.

"It's not what you think" he told me. "Then he should have stopped me from going not you" I said as the tears getting heavier.

"I can't deal with this" I said as I get my phone out. "What are you doing" Edward asked. I text Paul telling him I'm coming over.

"See yous later" I said as I went off so fast no one even saw me. I ended up outside Emily and notice the rest of the pack.

"What's going on" Embry asked. I just fell to the ground crying. "Shit" Embry said as he ran over and hugged me.

I put my head on his shoulders and kept crying. He picked up and took me inside the house making everyone stare at me as I cried.

"What happened" Embry asked. "Who- Who is L-Louise" I asked with sobs. "Who told you about her" Embry asked.

That made me snap. "If someone doesn't give me answers I will force Every. Single. One. of you to give me answers" I said.

"We saw the leech talking to a blonde girl and her holding his hands sitting on the treaty line" Quil told me. "We had to stop Paul from killing him" Jared said. "I still want to" Paul said.

"Thank you for being honest with me" I said. "How did you find out" Quil asked. "Jacob-" I was cut off. "JACOB DID WHAT" Paul snapped.

"I didn't finish my sentence" I said making him smile slightly. "Jacob said they were getting cosy that's it" I said.

A sigh escaped my mouth. "I actually thought he cared that they cared" I said. "Don't worry we care" Sam said. "Yeah we love you" Seth said making me smile. I felt at peace.

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~(End Of Part 6. Poor Angel. Was Jasper cheating on her? )~

Angel  (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now