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New Moon

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It was now January, I've met up with Paul a few times and we would just talk. He didn't know I knew his secret.

Today he was picking me up from my house. I was sitting in the living room starting to feel slightly nervous, which was weird.

Then there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Paul. "Hey" I said as I gave him a hug which he returned.

I heard a cough. We looked to see Charlie with his arms folded. "Charlie this is my friend Paul, Paul this is Charlie" I said.

"Hello sir it's nice to meet you" Paul said. "Pleasure, Angel a word" he said. "I'll meet you by the car" Paul said as he went.

"So you and Paul" he said. "I've known Paul since I was fifteen" I told him. "You have" he asked confused. "I have. He's my La Push friend" I said.

"Okay just be careful" he said. "I will. Bye Uncle Charlie" I said as I kiss his cheek before going out to Paul's car.

I jumped in the front next to him. "Let's go for a ride" he said smirking making me smile. I've missed him so much.

We arrived at the beach. We went there regularly. It was nice to go there. Whenever I got cold Paul would put his arms around me.

"So how's she doing" Paul asked. "She's still the same" I told him before sighing. "I'm sorry" he said.

"They left us, it was their choice to leave us. They don't care" I said. "They're stupid to leave you behind" he said.

"I just wasn't good enough for them, for him" I said as I put my head down. "No you were too good for them, too good for him" he said.

He lifted my head up and looked in my eyes. He gently pressed his lips against mine. I kiss him back without thinking.

When I realised what was happening I moved away. "I can't" I said. "I'm sorry" he said. "I'm not ready for- I just" I paused.

"I don't want to hurt you" I whispered. "I love you, I really do Angel and that will never, ever change but I can't be with you" he said.

"Great" I said as I pressed my lips against his again. This kiss was much more fierce and had a lot more passion.

He pushed me so I was down on the sand and was laying on top of me, not putting much of his weight on me.

My arms go around his neck deepening the kiss. I heard a moan escape his mouth making me smirk in the kiss.

Then we hear a loud howl making him sigh in the kiss. We stopped kissing and he looked at me with sorry eyes.

"I need to get back" he said. "It's fine I understand" I said. "I really do love you Angel" he said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek,

"So I'll drive you home then I have to go" he said as he got up then grabbed my hands pulling me up too.

We go to his car and drive back to mine. "I hope you figure this out soon" he said. I was about to ask what but decided to leave it.

"I'll see you soon Okay" he said. "Alright" I said smiling. "Goodbye for now Angel" he said. "Bye Paul" I replied as he drove off.

I go in the house and see Bella sitting down not speaking while Charlie was staring at her as if he was annoyed and upset.

"That's it" he said. "That's what" she asked. "You're going Jacksonville to live with you mother" he said.

"What? Why?" she asked. "I just- I don't know what to do anymore. You're acting like someone died, they just left" he said.

"I'm not leaving Forks" she said. "Bells he's not coming back, none of them are" he said making me look down too.

"It's not normal, this behaviour. It's scaring the hell outta me and your mother. Go to Jacksonville make some new friends" he said.

"I like my old friends" Bella said. "You never see them anymore" Charlie replied. "I do. In fact I'm- me, Angel and Jessica are going Port Angeles tomorrow to shop" she said.

"You hate shopping" Charlie said. "That's how much of a good friend I am" she said. "Alright shopping" he said.

I couldn't believe she was just dragging me along. I didn't mind shopping, but I could have had plans with Paul.

Though I was glad she wanted to get out the house. She was taking this a whole lot worse than I was.

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(END OF PART 6. The friendship between Paul and Angel is heating up, but they don't want a relationship. Will one of them change their minds or will they just kiss once? Who knows.)

Angel  (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now