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It's strange how two people, so different, can do the exact same thing without a second thought. 

While Bella and I were waiting for the bus, the school bus due to a field trip, can you hear the joy in my voice? We were both silent, caught up in our own thoughts.

"Hey." Unfortunately, the irritating voice of Mike decided to interrupt our thoughts, as he approached us, a smile on his ever cheerful face. "Look at you two, moving and alive." "Yeah, false alarm," Bella mumbled.

"Actually, Angel, I'm glad you're not dead. I wanted to ask-"

I stop listening to the boy, instead of putting my attention on my cousin. Bella was staring at both Edward and Jasper. The two brothers were both glancing at us, before putting their full attention on us. 

Why did they feel the need to stare? We promised we'd keep their secret, not that we knew what it was. All we knew for sure, they weren't normal. They had super strength.

"So, what do you think?" Mike's voice brought me back to the current conversation. "About what?" I questioned. He let out a small chuckle, before speaking once more. "Will you go to prom with me?"

I'd rather have my eyes chopped out and fed to dogs. I didn't say that to him, I needed to think of a lie. "I can't. I'm busy." "Doing what?" he questioned. "Jacksonville," Bella saved me. "We're both going."

"You can't go another weekend?" he asked. "Non-refundable ticket," she lied. "You should ask Jessica, she really likes you," I told the boy.

We were forced onto the bus by the teacher. I smiled at Bella, nodding my head at her. We shared a silent conversation in that one action. It was a thank you, for saving my ass.

The journey was loud, mainly because Tyler was being the loud idiot that he always was. I truly believed the boy deserved a punch. Don't judge me, you'd feel the same if you were stuck with him for more than thirty seconds.

Once we got off the bus, I felt relieved. I had a break from the irritating Tyler. We were all walking when I bumped into somebody. "Sorry," the Angelic voice of Rosalie spoke.

I couldn't help but smile at the girl, though the smile faded slightly as I noticed she was with her brother. "How are you feeling?" she asked me. "I feel much better, thank you."

"What's in Jacksonville?" Jasper questioned, causing me to frown.

How did he know about Jacksonville? Bella literally just came up with the lie, before we got on the bus. Was he stalking me?

"Floridians," I replied, causing Rosalie to chuckle. "No, really? What is in Jacksonville?" he asked once more. "That's for me to know and you not to find out." I winked before walking off, leaving the boy alone with his sister. 

While I was walking, I bumped into a grinning Jessica. I was assuming Mike had asked her out, that's the only reason for her to smile so brightly. "Guess who just asked me to prom?" "Mike?" I pretended to guess. "Yes. I totally thought he was going to ask you, or Bella," she rambled. "Is it going to be weird? Me going with him?" "Of course not. You two are great together," I assured the girl.

She walked away, causing me to roll my eyes. She only came over to 'brag' about Mike asking her out. I was shaking with jealousy, hear my sarcasm.

"I honestly have no idea why you speak with her," Rosalie said from beside me. "Nor do I. The majority of the time she irritates me beyond what I thought was possible," I replied.

"You need to start sitting with us again," she randomly blurted out, as she smiled at me. I was about to reply, only for Jasper to beat me to it. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"You know, your mood swings are really pissing me off," I told the boy. "Just ignore him. He's going through a tough time," Rosalie tried telling me. I shook my head. "That doesn't justify his behaviour." I put my attention on the boy. "Jasper, I think it's best if we stay away from each other. Your behaviour is too confusing and honestly, it's exhausting attempting to keep up with you."

I tried to walk away, only for an ice cold hand to grab me, pulling me towards them. I landed in Jasper's rock hard chest. 

"I want to stay away from you, though I can't. I hate how difficult it is being away from you," he mumbled. I let out a scoff as I push him away. "Next time, tell your brother to let the van crush me, that would be best for all of us."

My mind was filled with anger as I went past Edward and Bella. Alice was also with them, not that I was bothered by the girl. I noticed Edward stare at me, though I ignored it.

The Cullens were a weird family, yes weird doesn't always mean bad, though Jasper hale was the most confusing person I had ever met.

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09 - 08 - 2020

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