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Tonight I was going to sleepover at the Cullens, since the wolves were watching the house with Bella in the Cullens wanted me.

Currently I was sitting in the house with Carlisle. "How are things with you and Jasper" he asked me but I was sure he knew the answer.

"They're going well. We've gotten closer even though we're not seeing as much of each other, if that makes sense" I said.

"I completely understand. Since the wolves are at your house watching both you and Bella it's difficult for yous to catch up" he said.

"He means a lot to me" I said. "I know dear and you mean so much to him. He was so different without you, you've changed him" he said.

"Don't be afraid of change, you lose something good, but you could gain something better" I said making him smile. "Such wise words for a young lady" he said.

"I didn't know I could love someone as much as I love him. He means everything to me and I never want to lose him" I said.

"You won't lose him. If you choose to become a full Siren you will be with us forever as you would if you choose to have turned into a vampire" he said.

I looked at him. "What if I didn't want to be a Siren? What if I wanted to be a vampire" I asked him curious.

"Unfortunately I'm not sure that it is possible for a person with Siren blood to transform into one of us" he said.

My eyes went wide. I had three choices, ONE was to become a full Siren, TWO was to stay human and THREE was to take a risk, reject being a Siren and attempt to be changed even though it could fail.

"Are you okay" Jasper asked me making me jump. "I didn't even hear you come in" I said with a smile on my face.

He took my hands and kissed them both. "I love you my beautiful princess" he said. "I love you to my beautiful warrior" I said.

"I hope Carlisle has been looking after you" Jasper said. "Of course. I'll leave you two alone" Carlisle said before leaving.

"So it's just us right now" Jasper said smirking. "I wonder what we should do" I asked. "I have a few ideas" he said as he started kissing my neck.

A small moan escaped my mouth as he sucked on my sweet spot. "Well isn't this nice" Emmett's voice said making me look at the direction of his voice.

I felt myself blush as I noticed the others minus Edward staring at us. "Okay yous should go to your room" Alice said pushing us away.

"Race ya" I said to Jasper before speeding to his room. I was on his bed and he came in with a small smirk.

"Now what to do with you" he asked still smirking. "I can think of a few things" I said matching his smirk.

Carlisle P.O.V

I just informed the others about the current situation. If Angel chooses not to be a Siren then she wouldn't be able to become immortal, even if we tried to change her into one of us.

"So if she decides to stay human she'll just die of old age" Oliver said. "We can't let her die" Rosalie said.

"What does she want" Rosalie asked Alice. "I don't know I can't really see her future it's quite blurry, all I see is a field" she replied.

"It's her decision at the end of the day. We have to respect her wishes" I said. "But she makes Jasper happy. He deserves happiness" Oliver said.

I knew Oliver cared a lot for Jasper but it was her choice. I just hoped she would choose to be a Siren and stay with us. I already love her like a daughter.

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~(End Of Part 9)~

Angel  (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now