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New Moon

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After the events of last night me and Bella didn't speak to each other. We were both in shock with everything that happened.

When I finished getting ready for school I go downstairs and see Bella waiting for me. We leave and get in her truck.

The journey was quiet. When we get to school none of the Cullens were in, which actually upset me because normally Rosalie tells me if they weren't coming in.

After the school finished, I noticed Jasper. I go over to him and we go into the forest so we were away from people.

"I-" "No I need to go first" he said. I nod my head while he takes a deep unnecessary breath confusing me.

"My family and I are leaving" he said making my eyes go wide. "What? Why?" I asked. I was hoping it wasn't because last night.

"We've been here too long, people are starting to notice Carlisle isn't aging" he said. "Some people don't look like they age" I said. "They're suspicious" he said.

"I'll come with you. Me and Bella we'll come with you" I said. "We don't want you to come with us" he said.

"Why? I thought-" he cut me off. "You thought what? That I actually cared about you. Don't be that Naïve" he said.

"But you said-" he cut me off again. "I know what I said I'm not stupid. I lied it was all lies" he said. "But why" I asked.

"It's what I do. I get pleasure from confusing you. I get pleasure from making you believe I cared. It was quite fun actually" he said. "But I love you" I said barely above a whisper.

"Let's be real, who could ever love you? You're nothing, you're a nobody. Nobody will ever love you or even like you. You're not even good enough for a quick fuck" he said.

"But you-" he cut me off. "I know what I did. I just wanted to make it more fun. I can feel your heart break, it's actually pathetic" he said with a chuckle.

"But Rosalie-" he cut me off again. "She doesn't care either. She's glad to be rid of you. Now I can focus on the new woman in my life" he said.

"New woman" I asked feeling my heart break a little more. He rolled his eyes with a grin on his face.

"Yes I found someone else, someone better. Though in all honesty, anyone is better than you. You're a waste of space. I'll forget about you in minutes" he said.

My eyes were watering. "Do you enjoy this hurting me" I asked. I've never felt so much emotional pain in my life.

"I do, it's the best feeling in the world. I'll never have to deal with you again. Good bye you pathetic, ugly, horrible little whore" he said.

He ran off at Vampire speed. I feel my heart break even more. I drop to the ground as I feel a panic attack coming on.

I couldn't breathe. I tried to catch my breath but I couldn't. I feel my world go black and I passed out.

Paul P.O.V

The Cullen's had left and the blonde leech asked me to look after Angel. When I found out about Angel and the vampire I was furious.

Angelina Swan was the only girl I ever loved, EVER. We lost our virginities together when we were fifteen, not long before my sixteenth birthday.

"Sam we have to find her" I told him. "Okay, there's two of them stay in human form so your clothes don't rip" he said.

We go looking for Bella and Angel. "Come on Angel, please be Okay" I said as me and Sam were going around the forest.

Then I saw it. There laying on the floor was Angel. I run over and pick her up. She was out unconscious breaking my heart.

"Come on wake up" I said. I press my hands on her chest and she coughed. Her eyes flicker open before closing.

I sighed as I carried her. I noticed Sam carrying Bella. We go the police station to see many people there.

"Charlie" Billy Black said as he saw us carrying the two girls. "My girls" Charlie said. He looked between the two girls.

"I can take Angelina back to your house" Harry Clearwater said. "Please look after my niece" Charlie said as he took Bella out of Sam's arms.

Harry goes to take Angel out of my arms but I don't let him. "Paul you know I won't hurt her" he told me

"I want to come too" I said. "Just this once" he said. I Put Angel in the car gently before getting in myself.

"He's gone" she mumbled. "Who's gone" I asked. "He's gone" she mumbled again. "I won't let them hurt you" I said.

"P-Paul" she asked. "Yes" I replied making her smile a small smile. "You really are my saviour" she mumbled. "Always" I said.

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