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New Moon

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It was silent on the way back to Forks. They were coming back, I'd have to see Jasper again and it was going to kill me.

"I get pleasure from making you believe I cared". 

"I can feel your heart break, it's actually pathetic".

"Though in all honesty, anyone is better than you. You're a waste of space". 

"Good bye you pathetic, ugly, horrible little whore".

I felt tears run down my face. "He just said those things so you would let him leave. He didn't want to hurt you" Edward said.

"That doesn't mean it didn't hurt" I said. "What did he say" Bella asked me. "Just how pathetic and ugly I am" I said the tears running down my face.

We arrived back at the Cullen's house. I noticed everyone there staring at us. I felt my heart beak a little more when I saw Jasper.

"I'm going home" I whispered as I started to leave. "Wait" Rosalie said as she ran over to me and giving me a hug.

"I know you're hurt" she said. The tears still going down my face. "I-I can't do this" I said as I ran off.

After running I finally end up at my house. I go through the doors and see Charlie. "You're back" he said. "So are the Cullens" I said before going to my room.

A loud sigh escaped my mouth. I turned around and saw Rosalie standing there. "I'm sorry I ran off" I told her.

"It's fine I understand" she said as she sat on my bed. I sat down next to her. This time she sighed making me look at her.

"We didn't want you to leave. We all love you. You even calm down... him. He can control his thirst for blood when he's around you" she said.

"I wanted to kill myself" I told her making her eyes go wide. "I thought about the different ways I could kill myself, from stabbing my heart to jumping off a bridge" I said.

She was speechless. "It hurt that you didn't even say goodbye to me" I said. "I wanted to but I wouldn't have been able to leave if I saw you" she said.

My head falls to her shoulder. "Don't worry we won't leave you, not again. You can stay with us until the day you die" she said as kissed my head.

We stayed like that, my head on her shoulder. "You can come around mine tomorrow I'll keep you away from everyone" she said. "Ok" I said.

Rosalie P.O.V

"Jasper really does love you. You mean a lot to him. He didn't know you were hurting this much otherwise he would have took you with us" I told her.

"But you're his mate after all. He knew that as soon as he saw you. He wanted you but he was scared to hurt you" I said.

"Angel" I said. I looked down to see her asleep on my shoulder. I sigh as I put her in bed and put the covers over her.

I leave and go back to mine. "How is she" Esme asked. "She's really upset, especially since I didn't say goodbye" I replied honestly.

"She'll forgive you" Alice told me. "What about Jasper will she forgive him" I asked. I wanted them both happy and they were happy together.

"It will take longer but I'm sure in time she will" she said. "You haven't seen her forgive him have you" I asked. "No I haven't" she replied.

We both sighed. We knew that Angel could be stubborn and she was hurt really bad we could only hope she'd forgive him.

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Angel  (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now