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Jasper reluctantly took me downstairs. He didn't want to share me with his sisters, though he knew Alice wouldn't give him a choice. The small vampire was smiling brightly, something she always seemed to do. "Okay, we're going to watch movies and give each other makeovers."

A small chuckle left Jasper's mouth before he whispered in my ear. "I will protect you from every and anyone, apart from my sister." I couldn't help but smile and not just because his breath tickled.

He kissed my head before walking over to the boys, who were waiting rather patiently. The only people in the house were me, Alice, Esme and Rosalie.

Alice put on a movie before we all sat together, watching the film. She had put on a sad movie, one that had me in tears. I knew if the vampires could cry, they would be too.

"Do you love Jasper?"

I turned to Alice, shocked and confused at the sudden, random question. "I beg your pardon?" "Do you love Jasper?" Alice repeated, earning a scowl from Rosalie. "Alice, give her time."

"No, no, it's fine," I said, grateful that Rosalie would defend me against her sister. "I've been thinking about it and I do love him, I really do."

The three vampires all smiled. "We're glad you found each other," Esme said, Alice nodding in agreement. "You make him happy."

"He makes me happy too. I didn't think I'd come here and find love. I didn't think love was real after my ex." I paused shaking my head. 

Rosalie smiled comfortingly at me. "We're here if you want to talk about it." "Thank you," I replied, grateful my friends didn't try to pressure me. I knew if I was to talk about it, Rosalie would be the first, or second, behind Jasper, to know.

We put n another movie and soon it was 11 pm. "I'll take you to my room, I'm sure you need some sleep," Rosalie said.

I nodded my head as I followed Alice and Rosalie to the blonde vampire's room. The three of us sat down on the bed. "Do you want me to help you sleep?" I asked, causing them to chuckle. "Sure," Rosalie replied, a small smile on her face.

While I didn't understand the joke, I smiled along, before singing.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy, when skies are grey

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

So please don't take, my sunshine away

When I finished I noticed both girls were fast asleep. I couldn't help but smile at their sleeping figures. They looked so peaceful in their slumber. 

Unfortunately, I was starting to feel hungry, so made my way downstairs. I smiled as I saw Oliver, Jasper, Edward and Emmett staring at me. "Where are Rosalie and Alice?" The large vampire asked. "Sleeping."

The four looked at me strangely. "What?" "Vampires don't sleep," Edward told me, confusing me. "But, they are asleep. How?"

Oliver was about to speak, only for Emmet to run upstairs, returning seconds later. "How did you do that?" Emmett questioned. "If you had have listened to Oliver, he would have told you she wasn't lying," Edward replied.

"I just sang to them and they fell asleep," I told Emmett, ignoring Edward's words.

"Let's get you to bed, Darling," Jasper said. "I came downstairs because I was hungry," I half complained. "Then I'll feed you, my Angel." He placed a kiss on my head before leaving me with his brothers.

The three brothers were staring at me, I was growing slightly bored and uncomfortable. "What is there to know about you three?" I asked.

"Well, some vampires have special powers," Emmett started. "Like how Edward can read minds," I said, causing the telepath to nod his head. "Does anyone else have powers?"

"Carlisle has super control, he's never tried a drop of human blood. Emmett has enhanced strength, even for a vampire. Oliver is a lie detector. Alice has visions of the future, while Jasper can sense and manipulate emotions," Edward told me.

I was shocked, though was unable to comment as Jasper came over with a bowl. "I made you some noodles. It's not much, just food we usually donate." "Thank you," I replied, before starting to eat.

Once I finished Jasper cleaned the bowl, before gently taking my hand. "It's time for bed." "Good night," I said to the other boys, all who replied with their own, "Good night."

When we got to his room, I realised I didn't have any clothes to wear. Thank you, Rosalie. "Could I have one of your shirts to wear?" I asked. He nodded his head before grabbing me a shirt.

He turned around, allowing me to get changed. He was ever the gentleman. "You can turn back," I told him after I was dressed. He smiled at the sight of me in one of his shirts. "It suits you."

I lay on his bed sighing at the softness once more. I noticed Jasper still standing. "Join me." He hesitated, but in the end, he joined me in the bed.

A sigh escaped my mouth as I found a comfortable position, my head on Jasper's chest. My eyes grew heavy as I allowed sleep to take over my body, feeling safer than I had in a long time.

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