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Angel P.O.V

Edward was pissed off, very pissed him. Bella and I were going down to the wolves territory and that's why he was pissed off.

I was lucky Jasper trusted the wolves, since I trained with them for a while with them. They loved me all of them did.

Currently Me, Jasper, Bella and Edward were sitting in the car driving to the treaty line where Jacob and Paul were meeting us.

I missed them. I haven't seen them for about a week since the whole vampire in my house situation, of course I seen them in wolf form but that's different.

Suddenly we stopped. "We're here" Edward said. All four of us get of the car to see a topless Jacob and Paul.

"Doesn't he own a shirt" Edward said annoyed. "You should go. No rush. I'm good from here" Bella told him.

"I just hate being away from you" Edward said as he pulled her in for a passionate kiss making me chuckle slightly.

I looked at Jasper. "Be careful okay" he said. "Yes sir. I'll be fine. But I'm all yours later" I told him making him smirk.

Edward and Bella pull apart. "Well you could rush a little" she said making Edward smile slightly and I rolled my eyes.

"See yous later" I said as I go over to Paul. "Hey Hot Head" I said as I hugged Paul who hugged me back.

We get on his motorcycle and he drove off. "So where are we going" I asked. "To see the pack and get you training my Flame" he said making me roll my eyes.

Me and Paul have nicknames for each other, I am Flame, he is Hot Head. We're so alike yet different it's almost funny,

We arrived at Sam's house and I notice Seth and Quil. "Hello boys" I said. "Hey Angel" they both said smiling.

Sam came out with Jared. "Right now you're here we can start your training" Sam said and that's what we did for hours.

"Come on we need to get you to the bonfire" Paul said. "Bonfire" I asked. "Yeah it's a council meeting, since your a mythical creature you're invited" he said. "Yay me" I said sarcastically.

I waited with Seth while everyone else got ready. It didn't take them long and I didn't mind talking to Seth he was so young and cute.

Me and the pack headed down to the bonfire. I was feeling quite tired considering I was training all day.

After sitting down for ten minutes I saw Seth get up. My eyes followed him and I saw Jacob with Bella confusing me.

"Jake, about time you got here, Paul's been hoovering the grub, but I saved you some burgers" Seth said.

"I wasn't not hoovering the grub" Paul mumbled making me laugh. He pushed me slightly and we have a little play fight.

"The Quileute's have been a small tribe from the beginning. But we have always had magic in our blood" Billy Black started.

"We were great spirit warriors, shape shifters who could transform into the powerful wolf. This enabled us to scare of our enemies and protect our tribe" Billy continued.

"One day our warriors came across a creature. It looked like a man but it was hard like stone and cold like ice" Billy said.

"Our warriors sharp teeth finally tore it apart, but only fire would completely destroy it. They lived in fear that the cold man was not alone. They were right" Billy said.

"She took her vengeance on the village. Our elder chief Taha Aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe after his son was killed" Billy continued.

"Taha Aki's Third Wife could see he would lose. The Third Wife was no magical being, with no special powers, but one courage" Billy said.

"The Third Wife's sacrifice distracted the Cold Woman long enough for Taha Aki to destroy her. She saved the tribe" Billy said.

"Over time, our enemies have disappeared. But one remained, the Cold Ones" Billy said looking at Bella briefly.

"Our magic awakens only when they come near. And we can sense it now, feel the threat in our blood" Billy said.

"Something terrible is coming and we must be ready. All of us" Billy finished looking directly at me. As I didn't have enough things on my mind.

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~(End OF Part 10)~

Angel  (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now