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 Warning: Mentions of Abuse and Rape

We were all sitting downstairs talking. unsurprisingly Rosalie was sitting far away from Bella. I was sitting on Jasper's lap as he spoke to Emmett about a new video game.

"It's time for me to take Bella home," Edward said, confusing me. If Bella was leaving surely I should be too? "What about me?" "You're staying here tonight," Emmett said, winking at me. "Rosalie already informed Charlie. It's hard for him to say no to her," Edward told me.

I went over to Bella, giving her a hug. "Be careful," I told her. "I will." I moved back from her, glaring playfully at Edward. "Look after my cousin." He nodded his head, smirking slightly.

When they were gone, Jasper smiled at me. "I believe it's time for me to get you to bed." Emmet whistled, causing me to roll my eyes. He was like a child.

We went upstairs to Jasper's bedroom. "Do you have a shirt I can wear?" I asked. "Sure." He took off his shirt, I couldn't help but notice the scars on his arm.

He seemed to realise I was staring. "They're a long story," he told me. "You don't have to tell me," I assured him. "It doesn't bother me." "No, I want to," he said. "You may want to take a seat."

I sat down on his bed as he started his tale. "I didn't have quite the same upbringing as the rest of my family," he started. "I was born in 1844 and changed in 1863. I was the youngest Major in Texas until I met an immortal, Maria."

The way he said the name 'Maria', sent shivers down my body. I could already tell she wasn't a good person.

"I was riding back to Galveston when I saw them. I immediately offered them my aid, that was when she bit me. You see, she was creating an army, there were constant brutal battles for territory, Maria won them all. She was smart, careful and she had me, her second in command. My ability to control emotions served her well. I trained her newborns, it was also my job to dispose of them. I could feel everything they felt."

He could feel the pain of killing those he was forced to kill, vampires he didn't want to harm. He was manipulated into doing so, all by false love.

"The pain and cruelty of everything had depressed me. I befriended a newborn, Peter, who I managed to convince Maria to keep for his advanced combat skills. Peter later ran off with Charlotte, a newborn I was meant to kill. I allowed them to escape and Maria punished me. Her attitude towards me had changed, she no longer trusted me. I thought what we had was love but I was her puppet, she pulled my strings."

"Peter and Charlotte came back in 1938, it was an opportunity for me to escape, one I happily took. I didn't enjoy killing people, not when I could feel their emotions. In 1948 I ran into Alice, who saw me coming of course. She told me about the rest of my family, how we could survive on animal blood."

"We ran into Oliver and discovered that he was Alice's mate. I was happy for her, though I wasn't happy myself, I was lonely. We found the others, well, Alice tracked them down. Oliver struggled with his thirst for human blood, as did I, we still do now."

"A month before you arrived Alice told me about you. She said you were amazing, how you and Rosalie would be close. Rosalie and I both thought it was a load of nonsense, but now I realise I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you, Angelina Swan, I really, truly do," he said.

"I love you too." I couldn't help but sigh. "What's wrong?" he questioned.

The guilt that he had shared with me his story, the story of his past, yet I had yet to tell him mine made me feel uneasy. He needed, deserved to know the truth.

"Can you get Rosalie, there's something I need to tell you both." 

He nodded his head, before leaving. I wanted Rosalie to know my story too, she was my best friend, she had a right to know.

It was barely a few seconds later that the two arrived back in the room. "Angel, what's wrong?" Rosalie asked as she sat next to me.

I removed my shirt revealing the scar on my stomach. "What happened?" Jasper questioned. 

"It started six months before we came back to Forks. I had a boyfriend, he was wonderful at first, aren't they all. We went out on a few dates, though he never met Renee or Phil. One time we went out and he got drunk, and he, he raped me."

I tried to stop the tears strolling down my face. The painful memory replaying in my mind.

"I never told anyone, believing it was my fault, that I deserved it. He did it regularly until I finally had enough. One day he and two of his friends cornered me in the street at night. I fought back, but they had a knife, they cut my arm. The two boys pinned me down while my lovely boyfriend raped me. I still tried to kick them off and that's when they slashed my stomach," I told them. a tear going down my face.

"I wasn't sure if I was going to make it. I called Bella before I called an ambulance, I thought I was dying, I didn't want to die alone. She was terrified, though called the ambulance. They rushed me in and I was told there was an 80% chance I'd never have children, that it was near impossible. I was scared to go to school, but I still went. I would avoid my ex-boyfriend at all costs. Luckily he wasn't in any of my classes."

"He still found me. He pinned me against the wall, threatening to kill me if I told anybody what he did. He constantly threatened me, so I decided to leave and Bella followed. The worst thing is I thought that it was my fault, that I was a terrible person who deserved the pain."

I finally broke down, unable to hold back the tears. Rosalie wrapped her arms around me hugging me as I cried on her shoulder. "It's okay, honey, it's okay. No one will hurt you, we will kill them." Jasper rubbed my back as I cried on his sister's shoulder.

"That's why I'm here, that's why I have a scar on my stomach, a small scar on my shoulder," I told her.

"I know how you feel," Rosalie said, causing me to look at her. "I was raped and left for dead by my fiance. Carlisle found me and changed me."

"Let's get you some sleep," Jasper whispered, as he gave me a shirt. "I better go," Rosalie said. She placed a kiss on my head. "Thank you for trusting me with your past," she said before leaving me alone with Jasper. 

I put on Jasper's shirt before removing my trousers. I laid down on the bed, Jasper laying down next to me. "Good night, Princess," he whispered. I felt calm as I laid in Jasper's arms.

It felt good to share my story, though I would never recover from the experience, the mental scars far worse than the physical.

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13 - 03 - 2022

Double update?

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