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New Moon

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Today was Bella's birthday. Me and Charlie were waiting for her to wake up. I was happy since I had an amazing birthday.

We knock on Bella's door. "Come in" she said. "Happy birthday" I said as me and Charlie walk in her room.

"Dad I thought we said no gifts" she said. "The one from me isn't wrapped" he said as he handed her a digital camera.

"Oh wow thanks dad" she said smiling. "It goes with this one from your mom, she told me what to get" he said.

She opened her gift and saw a scrap book. "It's too put your pictures in, so you can record your senior year" he said he paused and a sigh escaped his lips.

"Senior year. How did you both get old so fast" he asked. "I'm not that old" Bella said. "I don't know is that a wrinkle" he asked. "And a grey hair" I asked.

Bella rushes to a mirror. "I was kidding" Charlie said. "So not funny Dad" Bella said before glaring at me.

"Here's my gift" I said giving her a box. She opened it and saw a beautiful bracelet with an Angel on it. "Angel it's beautiful" she said as she hugged me.

We get ready and head to school. The others were meeting us there. When we arrive we see Mike, Eric, Angela and of course Jessica.

"Wherefore art thou, Bella" Mike said. "Today's the big day, Bella" Jessica said making Bella go tense slightly. "The R and J essay's due" she said.

"Oh right. I want to take a picture of you guys. My mom wants me to put together like a scrap book of memories" Bella said.

"Of course" Jessica said. They all line up for a picture, all besides Angela. "I take them, I'm not in them" Angela said. "You are today" I said.

"Come on Angel jump in" Mike said. "Go on Angel" Bella said as Mike dragged me in the photo before putting his arm around me.

"You'll Photoshop my nose if it looks big right?" Jessica said. "Don't worry I'm in the picture no one will be looking at you guys" Eric said.

Bella takes the picture. I noticed Jasper and Edward get out of Edward's car. I couldn't help but smile when they looked at us.

"Oh good, Cullen and Hale are here" Mike said sarcastically. "Yay" Jessica said even more sarcastically making me bite my lip. "See you later" Eric said.

Me and Bella go over to the guys. Bella and Edward started walking off while me and Jasper stayed behind them.

"Hey gorgeous" Jasper said as he kissed me. We stay kissing in the middle of the parking lot and I was loving it.

He pulled away. "Lets go to school" he said smiling. "Hi Angel. I need Jasper's help with Bella" Alice said.

Me, Jasper, Alice and Oliver walk into school. Alice jumped over the bars and landed in front of Bella.

"Happy birthday" Alice said smiling. "Ssh" Bella said blushing making Oliver go tense. "I thought I said no presents" she said.

"I've already seen you open it and guess what? You love it. You're going to wear it tonight at our house" Alice said.

Bella opened the present and it was a dress. "Come on please it will be fun" Alice said smiling while Bella looked thoughtful.

I elbow Jasper. "I guess it could be" she said. "Great I'll see you at seven" Alice said as me, her, Jasper and Oliver start to go.

"Jasper no fair with the mood control thing" Bella said. "Sorry, Happy.. never mind" he said pausing after seeing her face.

We walked off with Jasper's arm wrapped around me. "So you looking forward to the party" he asked. "I am so much" I said smiling.

"Angel" Rosalie said. She came over and gave me a bag. "You know it's not my birthday right" I told her.

"I know but we're having a party and I want you to look A-maz-ing" she said. "That's really sweet" I said.

"Open it" she said. I open it and see a beautiful black and white dress. "Oh Rose it's beautiful, thank you" I said as I hugged her. "It's fine" she said.

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