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I was sitting in my room, thinking about all the drama that had recently occurred. What the hell was going on with me? Why was I thinking of Jasper? He was constantly on my mind. Yes, I have had crushes before, but nothing like this.

"Angel, it's time for school," Bella told me, as she opened my door. I nodded my head, relieved that I had managed to get myself dressed while distracted.

My mind was a strange place, maybe that was why Jasper was on my mind. We were sitting in the truck, Bella driving us to school.

"Are you okay?" I was knocked out of my thoughts by Bella's voice. "Hmm?" I looked at the girl, to see her concentrating a little too hard on the road, meaning she was concerned. "Yeah, yeah I'm cool."

When we arrived at school, I stood at the back of Bella's truck, waiting for the girl to finish putting things in her bag.

Suddenly the loud sound of tires screeching echoed through the parking lot. My eyes widened as I saw a blue van charge towards us. I grabbed Bella's arm, knowing that with the icy roads the van could go anywhere.

I was going to die. Today was the day I would die. I saw Tyler panicking in front of the van in an attempt to control it.

The next thing I know, I'm being shoved backwards, onto Bella's truck. I looked, only to see Edward standing in front of Bella, his hand on the Van, stopping it. Edward looked at Bella, before glancing at me.

How the hell did he stop a van with his bare hand?

I felt my heart start racing. I couldn't breathe properly. I could hear people speaking, though I didn't know what they were saying.

I almost died because of a car crash, just like my parents.

We were taken to the hospital, though I didn't remember the journey. I ignored everybody, their words not registering with me, not even when Charlie arrived. All I could do was stare at a wall, trying to stop the tears from falling down my face.

"Angelina." I looked to see who had called my name. It was a doctor, a man with the same Golden eyes as the rest of the Cullens. He must be their father.

"How are you feeling?" I tried opening my mouth to speak, but no words came out. "She's traumatised from the memory," Charlie spoke for me.

I knew my uncle was about to explain what happened to my parents. I try to focus on anything else, just so I wouldn't have to hear the same story again. 

"We would've died if it wasn't for Edward," Bella said. "Edward?" Charlie looked at the Doctor. "Your boy." "Yeah, he pushed Angel out of the way, then saved me," Bella said. "Well, then you're very lucky," the man replied, a false smile on his face.

The doctor examined me, the tears no longer filling my eyes. "I need you to talk to me," the doctor said. "I need you to repeat everything I'm about to say, hello my name is Angelina." I gulped before speaking. "Hello, my name is Angel."

"Excellent. They both seem fine, they may suffer some trauma, mild headaches, that's about it," the doctor told Charlie. "Excuse me."

Charlie smiled as the doctor left us alone. "You better call your Mum." I let out a groan. "You told her?" Bella questioned. "You almost died," he reminded Bella.

We got off the bed and started walking. "What was I supposed to do? Let them die?" Edward's voice questioned.

I turned the corner, Bella by my side, only to see Edward, Rosalie and their father. "This isn't about you, it's about all of us" Rosalie snapped. "I thought you cared for her?" Edward questioned.

It was at that moment their older male noticed us. "I think it would be best if we take this to my office." He led Rosalie away, while Edward stayed where he was.

"Edward, we need to talk," Bella told him. The boy stared at us. "How did you get over to us so quickly?" "I was standing right next to you," he lied. Bella shook her head, not believing his lie. "No, you were next to your car, across the parking lot."

"No I wasn't," he lied once more. "Yes, you were," Bella said firmly. "I know what I saw." "What did you see? What illusions has your mind created?" he asked. "You stopped the van, you pushed it away with your bare hand," she said.

I admit, hearing her say it out loud sounded crazy. Lucky we weren't going to tell anyone.

"No one will believe you," he hissed. "We won't tell anyone," Bella assured him. "We just want the truth," I spoke for the first time.

"Can't you just thank me and get over it?" he asked. "Thank you," we replied in unison. "You're not going to let it go, are you?" he asked. "No, we're not," Bella told him.

"I hope you enjoy the disappointment," he hissed before storming off. A sigh escaped my mouth, as Bella watched the boy go. We would find out his secret, whatever it takes.

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25 - 07 - 2020

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