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Jasper P.O.V

The school day felt different. I wasn't sure what it was, but something felt strange. What made everything weirder, Alice kept smiling at me.

When Lunch came around, Rosalie was smiling too. The happiness radiating from the girl made me smile. "What's made you so happy?" "I believe I've met a descendant of Emilia" she replied.

Edward must have read her mind, as a small smile appeared on his face. "I've met her too. She is a delight."

We walked into the cafeteria and people began talking about us. "I guess the gossip will never end." "Don't worry, it won't last long," Edward said. "There'll be more gossip soon." "Oh yes, like the new girls" I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Angel is really nice, though her mind is a mystery. One moment I can read it, the next I cannot," Edward told me. "I haven't met the other new girl."

A chuckle escaped my mouth. "Is there somebody the great Edward Cullen can't read? What a miracle," I teased, causing him to roll his eyes.

"He is so cute" a girl spoke. "That's Jasper, he's a weird one too. He'll probably eat you alive" Jessica said. "You say it like it's a bad thing," the first girl replied.

Edward and I glanced over to the girls. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. My eyes met the unfamiliar, gorgeous eyes of the brunette sitting opposite Jessica.

While I looked into her eyes, I wanted to know everything about her. I wanted to hold her close. I wanted to kiss her.

Why was I feeling like this?

We took our seats at our usual table. I kept staring at the unfamiliar girl.

How was it possible for a human to be so captivating?

The boys around her seemed to be radiating lustful emotions. They wanted her and the other girl. I felt strange as their lust for the girl didn't seem to subside.

Why was I feeling angry over a girl I had never met?

"She's not interested in them," Alice told me, interrupting my thoughts. "Her name is Angelina Swan, she prefers the name Angel."

Rosalie's head snapped towards me, a small glare on her face. "You like Angel?" Despite the glare on her face, her emotions were a mixture of happiness, annoyance and excitement.

"She is hot, for a human" Emmett mumbled. "She looks just like Emilia," Rosalie said. Emilia, a girl who once meant the world to Rosalie while she was human.

Soon lunch was finished, I was the first one to leave. I made my way to biology where I took my usual seat. I watched as Angel and Edward entered the room. He sat at the usually empty desk. I was confused, though brushed it off. He knew what he was doing, he wasn't always stupid.

Angel's friend came into the room and Mr Smith followed her. "Right, Miss Swan?" Mr Smith looked at the two girls. "Angelina, you can sit next to Jasper. Isabella, you will be next to Edward."

She walked over to me and that was when I smelled her scent, her blood. My eyes went wide as the delicious smell continued to grow.

When she sat down, I moved away. I turned around to see Rosalie glaring at me as if she was warning me not to hurt the human.

The class continued, yet my eyes never left the girl, I couldn't help but stare at her. She bit down on her, she looked so hot biting down on the soft skin.

"Okay, I get you don't like me for some strange, unnecessary reason, but quit staring, or." She snapped in a harsh whisper, as she grabbed her pencil. "I will shove this pencil so far up you, you'll be screaming for weeks."

I was shocked, though a small smirk was on my face. The fact she snapped at me made me fight back a grin. Most people were scared of me, yet not this girl, she was hot-tempered.

The bell went, she grabbed her stuff then left. I started to leave only to get grabbed by a very angry Rosalie.

"You hurt her, I'll kill you, got it?" She threatened in a harsh whisper. "I won't hurt her," I said, more to myself than her. I wasn't going to hurt the beautiful, mysterious girl.

I left the classroom and made my way to my last class. I felt conflicted as I noticed Edward sitting next to Angel, a small smile on his face.

I went to my usual seat and Oliver sat next to me. "Okay class, today we are going to learn about World War 1. Now can anyone tell me what they know about it?" Mr Jaden asked.

Angel's hand went straight in the air. "Miss Swan, stand up and enlighten us with your knowledge."

She stood up and began speaking of the war. She spoke of things barely anyone knew. It made me smile slightly at the knowledge a human could possess.

"Okay, Miss Swan, we've heard enough," the teacher said, and Angel sat down.

I could feel her annoyance radiating from my seat. "How do you know so much?" Edward whispered to her. "It's always fascinated me. The past is something that cannot be changed, can't be altered, unlike the future," she replied.

They continued talking quietly for the rest of the class. "You're staring" Oliver whispered. "I'm not staring" I mumbled. He let out a chuckle. "Yes, yes you are."

The class soon finished, meaning the school day was over. "So, you made quite an impression on little Miss Angel," Edward told me. I raised my eyebrow in confusion. "Is that so?" "Yes. She thinks you're a jerk" he said.

I rolled my eyes at his words. 'Oh, how wonderful,' I thought knowing Edward could hear me. I wanted to stay away from her, yet I was drawn to her in a way I had never been before, not even with my old friend.

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01 - 07 - 2020

Angel  (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now