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It was normal for a person to be nervous, especially after discovering Vampires were real. It was unbelievable, yet there was no other explanation. The Cullens were Vampires, I was 99% sure, the other 1% was me believing I was in a coma and all of this was just a Coma ridden dream.

I stood next to Bella, waiting at the back of the Car park for Edward and Jasper. We needed answers, otherwise, we were going to go even more insane.

While Bella required her answers from Edward, my answers needed to come from Mr Mood Swing, more commonly known as Jasper Hale. 

When they pulled up, I focused my thoughts, hoping, praying that Edward would hear. He seemed to pick up my thoughts as he motioned for Jasper to approach me.

Rosalie tried to stop them, only for Edward to push her hand away. She wasn't keen on them following us, which was understandable, they needed to keep their secret, a secret.

I turned and started walking towards the woods, Bella copying my actions. We didn't stay together, once we were in the woods, we went in opposite directions, the boys following us.

When we were far in, I turned around staring directly into Jasper's beautiful golden eyes. It was now or never.

"I know what you are, Jasper. I know your secret, your families secret," I started. "It took us a while, but now we know. You're impossibly strong, your skin is more pale than humanly possible, it's also ice cold. Your eyes change colour. You never eat or drink, or allow yourself to be seen in the sun. You're not allowed to enter La Push, due to the treaty."

Jasper's eyes went wide at the mention of the Treaty. He thought I wouldn't have discovered that side of it, which was understandable, he wasn't fully aware of my previous relationship with one La Push boy.

"How old are you?" I asked him. "Nineteen," he replied, causing me to narrow my eyes. "And how long have you been nineteen?" "A while," he admitted.

"I know what you are," I told him. "Then say it," he demanded. "Say it out loud."


He stepped forward standing dangerously close to me, yet I wasn't afraid. I knew he wasn't going to hurt me. "Why aren't you afraid? I'm a vampire, I drink blood, you should be terrified," he snarled. "You're not going to hurt me, you would've already," I replied.

"I wanted to, more so than I have in a long time," he admitted. "Why haven't you? Why haven't you drained me? It's because you don't want to hurt me, you won't hurt me." I truly believe I was right. He was a vampire, stronger than I'd ever be, he could hurt me and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

"I can't lose you," he whispered. "Not when I've just found you." He grabbed my hand, pulling me onto his back. "Where are we going?" "Up the mountain, so you can see my true form," he replied, confusing me. I was sure vampires caught fire when in the sunlight.

Everything became a blur as he ran faster than the fastest car. I was trying not to vomit as I saw the blur of colours. Suddenly he stopped, surprisingly I didn't have whiplash.

I was removed from his back, I turned to face him, only to realise he was gone. "Jasper, where are you?" I knew there were wild animals around that could hurt me, the thought of him hurting me hadn't crossed my mind. I knew the boy wouldn't, for whatever reason.

I turned around as I heard a branch snap. I was confused to see Jasper removing his shirt. "This is why we don't reveal ourselves in sunlight." He moved towards a small gap, a few feet of sunlight. When the sunlight hit him, I couldn't help but gasp. He was sparkling like he was made of diamonds.

"This is what I am," he told him. "It's beautiful," I mumbled, still mesmerized by his appearance. He scoffed as he put his shirt on, stepping away from the sunlight. "Beautiful? No, I'm a killer."

"You're not a killer." Surely if he was a killer, I'd be dead by now.

"You believe a lie." He let out a sarcastic chuckle before continuing. "Everything about me invites you in, my appearance, my voice." He moved so he was standing barely an inch away from me. "As if you could fight me off." He ripped a tree out from the ground.

I know he was trying to scare me, but I was finding it more attractive than scary. What's wrong with me?

"I'm meant to kill. I've killed people, vampires. I wanted to drain you, to kill you," he told me. "I'm still standing here because I trust you," I said, unfazed by all he told me.

"You shouldn't." 

He disappeared again, causing me to frown. His disappearance act was more than annoying. I just wanted answers. "Jasper."

He appeared in front of me. "My family and I are different, we hunt animals. We can control our thirst." He took a deep breath. "But your scent, it's like a drug to me. I'm an addict, and your scent is my addiction. I'm addicted to you." 

I opened my mouth, ready to tell him I felt the same, yet no words came out. I had been addicted to him for a while, though the words didn't leave my mouth. I wasn't as smooth with words as him.

"What are you thinking?" he asked, his voice soft. "I'm afraid," I admitted, causing him to smirk. "You should be." "I'm afraid I'll lose you," I said, causing his smirk to change to a caring smile. "I don't want to lose you, Jasper."

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for you." He allowed his hand to caress my face. "I can't stay away from you any longer, I don't have the strength." "Then don't," I said.

He slowly looked between my eyes and lips, before slowly pressing his cold lips against mine. I almost sighed in relief, after all the tension, we were finally kissing. It was soft, gentle, though I didn't need Pathokinesis to feel the desire we both had for each other. 

He pulled away, looking into my eyes. This time I made the first move, I pressed my lips against his. This kiss wasn't as gentle, him pushing me against a tree, thankfully not too hard.

After a couple of minutes, I had to pull away, my breathing heavy. "Stupid oxygen," I mumbled. He let out a chuckle, before pressing his forehead against mine.

I knew I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with the vampire that was Jasper Hale.

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02 - 11 - 21

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