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The journey away from Forks was long, yet we were safe, for now. We had rested, thanks to Alice who forced us to try and sleep, not that we could.

"Hi, mom, it's me, again. I'm not in Forks but everything is okay. I'll explain later, I love you," Bella said to Renee through her voicemail.  

"Don't worry, everything will be okay," Alice reassured us. I wasn't panicking, at least not as much as Bella, I was still terrified.

What if the tracker found us? 

What if they caught Jasper or Edward, or any of the family?

Alice stared into space, zoning out. "The tracker has just changed course." Oliver rushed to grab her a piece of paper and a pencil. Alice started drawing. "A room full of mirrors." "But the visions aren't always certain, right? Edward told me they can change," Bella said.

"She sees the course people are on, if they change their mind, then the vision changes," Oliver told her.

I looked at the picture, the place looked familiar. "So the course the tracker is on now will take him to our old ballet studio?"

The mates looked at me, both shocked and Alice appearing slightly nervous. "You've been there?" I nodded my head. "We took ballet classes there when we were younger."

"Was this studio here in Phoenix?" Oliver asked. "Yes," Bella replied, nodding her head.

My phone began to ring causing me to jump slightly. I was relieved when I noticed it was Jasper. "Hey." 

"We lost the tracker," he told me. "The woman is still in the area. Rosalie and Esme are going back to Forks to protect your family. I'm coming to get you. We're going somewhere alone while the others keep hunting."

My eyes widened at the thought. This tracker was dangerous, he could hurt Jasper. "But-"

"I'll do whatever it takes to protect you. You are my life and I cannot lose you. I love you, Angel."

"I love you too," I told him before the line went dead. 

 Alice approached me, a smile on her face. "Oliver went to check us out." I nodded my head, before noticing Bella was on the phone and seemed terrified, I went over to her.

"How about your old ballet studio?" The familiar voice of the Tracker spoke. "I want both of you, if anyone other than you two show up, poor mommy will pay the price of your mistake."

James was going to corner us, lure us out and there was nothing we could do, we couldn't let Renee die because of our mess.

Bella looked up at me, making me realise James had hung up. 

"I guess we better go." She shook her head viciously. "You can't." "We have no choice. I won't let Renee die because of me," I told her.

We managed to leave without being noticed by the two vampires. I'm shocked the seer vampire didn't have a vision of us leaving, though they were subjective.

When we arrived at the ballet studio, we jumped in a taxi to get there, we heard Renee's voice.

"Angel Bella? Where are you, my girls?"

We rushed into the building attempting to look for her. "There you are." I rushed over to the closet where I heard her voice. I gulped as I realised it was a video.

"Mom, I suck," young Bella complained. "Don't worry Bella, I'll help you, I'll always help you," younger me told her with a smile on my face.

A laugh was heard from above us. "That's my favourite part," the tracker's voice spoke. "It's sweet how she's always there for you."

"She isn't here," Bella realised. "No," James said as he appeared in front of us. "Sorry, but you made it too easy." He held up a video camera. "I'm going to make things more entertaining. I'm going to have fun filming our time together."

I knew I had to protect Bella. I used all my energy to make sure she was protected, just like I did when we were on the field.

"And Action," he said as he put the camera in front of my face. "I hope you burn into a million pieces," I snarled.

He smirked before laughing. "Is that how you want Jasper to remember you?"  "Jasper has nothing to do with this!" I snapped. "Oh but he does," he practically sang, before pushing me into the wall. "His rage will make for an interesting sport."

"Are you going to beg for your life?"

"I won't beg to a monster like you," I snarled. He chuckled. "Pity." He turned to Bella. "Now, you and Edward, that's another romance."

He took a step towards the girl, only to be stopped by my invisible shield. I didn't know how I did it, though I felt proud of myself. It was fun watching James get annoyed.

Suddenly I'm pinned to the wall by the neck. "How are you doing that?" I didn't answer the angry vampire, instead choosing silence. 

He threw me against the ground making me hit my head. "Beg for your life and it won't hurt you as much," he growled.

"I will never beg to a monster like you," I repeated the same thing I had said earlier. He sighed as he pouted at me. "What a pity."

He grabbed my wrist biting into it. The pain hit me instantly, the burning sensation was unbearable. 

I barely noticed Jasper and Edward fighting James, due to my blurry vision. I did however notice a blurry Bella sitting next to me. "It's okay Angel, you're okay," she tried soothing me. I opened my mouth to speak, only for a loud scream to escape. "She's been bit," Alice's voice spoke.

"What do we do?" Jasper's blurry figure said.

"You have to let her change, or suck the venom out of her," Carlisle told him.

"I can't, you know I won't be able to stop. I'll kill her," Jasper said, his figure becoming more and more blurry. His voice was as Angelic as ever. 

"Jasper she only has minutes left," Carlisle told him.

The blurry Jasper looked at me, gently taking my hand as the pain intensifies. "I'm going to make the pain go away, I promise," he whispered. "I love you."

It was then he put his teeth into my wrist sucking out the venom. I couldn't begin to describe the pain.

 I was unsure how long it was, though Carlisle's barely audible voice spoke words similiar to, 'The venom is gone.'

The last thing I heard was Bella's voice screaming words I couldn't make out. And the last thing I saw was the outline of Jasper's body.

I was either going to die or become a vampire. I would have to leave my family, leave my friends.

'Charlie, I'm sorry.'

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I am, was extraordinarily hungover today, to the point I've slept most of the day away. I don't know when I'll update again, so wanted to get at least one more part out, I hope you enjoyed it.

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