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After spending all day with the wolves, minus Jacob I started making my way home and by that I mean I pretty much ran home.

I go through the door and see Charlie looking at me. "Where have you been, it's past dinner" he asked. "I've been with Paul" I told him. "Oh Paul that's great" he said.

Just then Bella came in. "Edward could at least respect meal times" Charlie said. "Actually I was with Jake" she said. "Good, that's good" Charlie said.

Then there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it" Charlie said smiling as he went to the door knowing it was probably Edward and it was.

"I'll give you two some privacy" Charlie said as he went off. I start to walk away only for Bella to grab my arm.

"Do you have any idea how worried I've been" Edward said. "I was perfectly safe" Bella said. "I nearly broke the treaty to make sure-" he paused.

He inhales and his eyes go wide. "I know we smell like dog" Bella said. "Something's wrong" he said as he goes to Bella's room which we follow.

"Someone was here" he said. Then he goes to my room. "And in here too" he said. I looked at Bella worried.

"Come on" Edward said as we leave the house and follow him. He got in his car, Bella got in the front while I got in the back.

We drive to his house and when we get out then go in the house. I see Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie and Alice.

"Oh thank god you're okay" Rosalie said as she hugged me. "I'm fine" I said as nice as I could but I was still pissed off.

"No Alice it was a stranger I didn't recognise his scent. Rosalie talk to Angel she needs to know the truth" Edward said.

Rosalie took my arm and then took me to her room. She patted the bed and I sat down next to her and she sighed.

"Louise Denali is part of the Denali Coven, they are considered our family. However, one of them had a thing for Edward and the other for Jasper and still does" she said.

"Louise would do anything to get Jasper but he's not interested. He was rejecting her and she couldn't get the message. He held her hands and told her he was in love with someone else" she told me.

"Of course she didn't like it when she saw the wolves and she hugged up to him and he got annoyed and told her to leave him alone that she will never be anything to her before leaving" she said.

"If that's what happened then why is he acting like he's in the wrong? Why hasn't he spoke to me about it? Why the hell did I hear from Jacob Black of all people" I said.

"Jacob's a jackass" she said making me smile slightly. "But he wanted to tell you he was just worried how you'd take it" she said.

"How long has she been here" I asked. "It was just the weekend, when we had a run in with Victoria" she told me. I nod my head.

"Jasper loves you more than anything. He would do anything for you. You are his mate and that makes you his everything" she told me. "Thanks" I said as I hugged her.

We go downstairs. "We need to take shifts at Bella's house" Carlisle said. "Another protection detail" Rosalie asked.

"Rosalie" Esme warned. "She's right. You can't watch over me and my dad, and search for the intruder" Bella said. "And eat" Rosalie said.

"You're already too busy protecting me you haven't hunted" Bella said. "I'm not about to let you fend for yourself" Edward said. "I'm not about to let you starve" Bella said.

"Besides she's not alone she has me" I said. "Your powers aren't stable" Edward snapped at me making me glare at him.

I made him unable to move. He tried to move but couldn't. "I could throw you into a wall right now" I said making Emmett and Oliver laugh so I trap them.

"I have you two trapped too" I said. They tried to move and couldn't. "I can trap up to three people at a time as well as shielding two people, besides myself" I said releasing the three vampires.

"She's more powerful than we give her credit for" Oliver said. "Of course she is she's amazing" Rosalie said.

"Besides we won't be alone we have the wolves" I said. "The wolves you mean that jackass-" Rosalie paused while looking at me.

"We'll speak to them tomorrow" Carlisle said. "It would be better if I was present too and probably Bella" I said.

"They like you more than me" Bella mumbled. "I figured out there secret without one of them turning into a wolf" I said making her smile half heartedly.

"I'll take you home, Bella" Edward said. "Wait what about me" I asked. "You have some talking to do" he said as he left with Bella.

I noticed to see everyone else was gone besides me and Jasper. "I'm sorry" was all he could say making me roll my eyes.

"Louise is part of the Denali, they're practical family. Louise has always liked me but I've told her I'm not interested which I constantly tell her. I held her hands looking in her eyes saying I love someone else, that person being you" he said.

"She saw the wolves and hugged me annoying me, since I saw the wolves too, I told her I would never be anything to her and I left. I wanted to tell you but I was scared on how you'd react" he finished.

"I love you Jasper Whitlock" I said. "I love you too Angelina Swan. I love you more than life itself" he said as we kissed.

We pull apart and I smiled at him. "No more secrets" I said. "No more secrets" he said as he moved my hair out of my face.

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~(End OF Part 7)~

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