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Everything in my life seemed to be going perfectly. I couldn't stop smiling as I spoke about my traumatic experience. It felt good to get it off my chest.

I was humming to myself and that was when I bumped into the door, banging my nose. "Ouch." Bella rushed over staring at me curiously as I rubbed my nose. "What did you do?" "I may have walked into a door."

Bella let out a chuckle, before shaking her head. "Edward is on his way, Jasper's with him," She told me. I grinned. "Sweet."

I looked out the window, grinning as I saw Edward's car pull up to the house. "I guess it's time to go."

We made our way downstairs. "Hi Charlie," I greeted my uncle. "Me and Bella are going out with Jasper and his brother."

"Aren't they too old for you?  Charlie questioned. "They're the same age as us," I told him. Bella nodded her head. "Juniors. I thought you liked the Cullens?" "I like Rosalie Hale," he mumbled. "Bella, you said you didn't like any boys in town." "They don't live in town, technically."

"They're also outside waiting for us," I reminded Bella. "Really?" We nodded our heads. "Yeah, they wanted to meet you, officially," Bella hold him. "Alright, send them in." Charlie grabbed his gun. "Be nice," I warned him. "They're important to us." 

Bella opened the door and the two vampires walked in. "Hello sir, it's a pleasure to meet you. Angelina speaks very highly of you," Jasper said.

I groaned at the use of my full name. "Don't call me Angelina." "Hello Chief Swan," Edward started, his voice overly formal. "I'd like to properly introduce myself, I'm Edward Cullen."

Charlie glared at Edward, though I don't blame him. The vampire was overly formal, that wasn't a  good first impression. He might as well have said he didn't belong in this era.

"We won't keep the girls out too long. We'll be playing baseball with my family," Jasper told him. He looked at Bella then at me, before chuckling. "Alright, have fun girls." "Will do, bye Charlie."

I rolled my eyes as I noticed we'd have to go in Edward's car. "Oh yay, we got the back seats to ourselves." Jasper smirked at my sarcasm before we got in the car.

My eyes went wide as we arrive at a huge field. "Awesome." We get out of the car and instantly arms wrap around me. "I'm so glad you're here," Rosalie's soft voice said. "Me too."

"Since when do vampires play baseball?" Bella asked. "It's an American pastime," Edward told her. "Plus there's a thunderstorm which is the only time we can play."

"Why does it have to thunder?" Bella asked, looking at her boyfriend. "You'll see". 

"I'm glad your both here, we need an umpire because they cheat," Esme said. Emmett pretended to be offended. "We do not."

"Yes, you do. Which one wants to-" Esme started. "We can both do it," I said, smiling at Bella. "So it's even."

"Call them as you see them girls."

 Alice was the pitcher, while Esme was the catcher so she was behind the plate. The pixie vampire smiled at us. "It's time."

Rosalie was the first one up to bat. Alice threw the ball and Rosalie hit it exactly the same time as thunder in the sky.

"Now I see why you need thunder," Bella said in amazement, while Rosalie ran. "That's gotta be a home run," I mumbled. "I dunno, Edward is very fast."

Esme catches the ball, putting it on the plate a second before Rosalie slid into it. "You're out," Bella said. Rosalie gave Bella a death glare as she stood up. "Come on babe, it's just a game," Emmett called out, as Rosalie walked away.

The game kept going and it was soon Jasper's turn. He did a few tricks with the bat making me lick my lips. What? It's not my fault he's hot.

He hit the ball and ran. Emmett and Edward both ran for the ball, the larger getting it first and throwing it to Esme just before Jasper got home.

"Sorry babe, but you're out," I told him, a small smirk on my face. "You seem to be happy." I chuckled, biting my lip. He stood in front of me, pressing his lips against mine.


Jasper broke the kiss as we all went over to Alice. The two shared a look, Edward's eyes going wide as he read Alice's thoughts.

Jasper put his hat on my head, causing Rosalie to scoff. "Like that will help." She looked at me sadly. "I can smell them across the field."

I had no idea what was going on, as I looked at Bella I realised she didn't either. What the hell was happening?

All the family were standing in front of us, protecting us from something. "Stay behind me" Jasper mumbled. I was terrified, I didn't know what was happening. I felt waves of calmness washing over me.

I watched from behind Jasper as three people come through the forest opening, one dark-skinned man, and the other two were a white couple.

"I believe this belongs to you," the dark-skinned vampire said, as he threw the ball towards Carlisle. He caught the ball with ease. "Thank you,"

"I am Laurent," the seemingly social vampire introduced himself. "These are Victoria and James." "I'm Carlisle and this is my family."

The vampire James seemed to be staring at me like he was deep in thought. Thankfully the calmness was still washing over me.

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us," Carlisle told him. "Our apologies," Laurent said, all while James continued staring at me. "We didn't realise the territory had already been claimed."

"We maintain a permanent residence nearby," Carlisle informed him. He nodded his head. "We won't be a problem anymore, we were just passing through." 

"The humans were tracking us, but we led them east. You should be safe," Victoria said with a wicked smirk on her face.

It was silent for a moment before Laurent broke it. "So, could you use three more players?" Everything went quiet, causing the vampire to smile. "Oh come on just one game?"

"Sure why not? A few of us were leaving. You can take their place,. We'll bat first." Carlisle threw the ball towards Laurent, though Victoria caught it. "I'm the one with the wicked Curve ball."

"Oh, well, I think we can handle that," Oliver said.

James was still staring at me. He turned to walk away, only for something to catch his attention. He smirked at us. "You bought some snacks."

I glared at him, focusing my energy and he couldn't move. He continued to glare at me. "The girls are with us," Carlisle told him. "It would be best if you leave." "I can see the game is over. We will go," Laurent said.

James was still trying to move towards us. "James," Laurent warned his friend. He finally listened to his friend, going towards his mate. He looked back at me once more, before the three disappeared.

I didn't know what was going to happen, all I knew, we were in danger.

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24 - 06 - 2022

I'm going to try update later after I go sleep since it's 1.36am here, no promises.

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