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The next class was English, oh the joy. I made my way to the classroom, only to bump into someone. It was a habit that seemed to be increasing. 

"Sorry," I mumbled.

The person looked at me, her eyes widened. "Emilia?" She was the most beautiful person I've ever seen. How was one person so beautiful?

"Ugh, no, sorry, my name is Angel," I told her. 

She continued staring at me, her face scrunched as if she was deep in thought. I was starting to feel uncomfortable, so smiled. "I guess, I'll see you around."

I waited at the front of the classroom for the teacher. They had to sign my form and tell me where I had to sit. My old classroom had assigned seating, so I assumed there would be here too.

My eyes widened momentarily as I saw the girl from before enter the room. It was strange, was she following me? No, of course not, she wouldn't have known I was here. 

The teacher walked into the classroom, smiling at me. "You must be Angelina Swan." "I am, yes" I replied. "Please take a seat next to." The teacher paused as he looked around the room. "Miss Hale." I nodded my head as I saw the blonde beauty putting her hand up.

Okay, now this cannot be a coincidence. 

I made my way over to the girl, taking the seat next to her. I could feel her stare at me as the class went on. I tried to ignore her, yet it was difficult. 

When the teacher announced there was pair work, I groaned internally. I had to work with Miss Hale, lucky me.

A smile was on the girl's face as I turned to her. "I never introduced myself, my name is Rosalie," she told me. "How do you like school so far?" I shrugged my shoulders. "It's okay."

We done the work together, while making small conversation. I noticed a few people stare at us in shock. Were they not used to seeing two girls work together? Rosalie wasn't as strange as I once thought, she was actually rather nice.

When the lesson finished I sighed in relief. I enjoyed Rosalie's company, but I wanted to see how Bella was doing. "I'll see you around, Angel," Rosalie said, smiling at me. I nodded my head, a small smile on my face. "See you."

The smell of food hit my nose. I was hungry, even if the smell wasn't pleasant. I noticed Bella standing in the line, right at the back, so I approached her. She looked like she was deep in thought. "Don't hurt yourself."

"I'm just." She let out a sigh. "It's been a long day." "Not many classes left, then we get to return home," I told her, causing her to smile.

We got our food, then Bella dragged me over to a table with her friends. Jessica smiled falsely as she saw us. "Oh look, it's Bella and Angel." "Congratulations" I mumbled as I sat next to Bella.

Eric sat down next to us. "Hey Mikey, you met my homegirls?" "Your homegirls?" Mike questioned. "My girls," a random boy said as he kissed my cheek then Bella's, before pulling Mike's chair from under him. I couldn't help but grin at the boy's actions.

"Oh God, it's like first grade all over again. You are the shiny new toys," Jessica said with a fake, bitter laugh. If I got through the day without killing her I'd deserve a medal.

"Smile." A bright flash made my eyes blink multiple times. "Sorry, I needed a picture for the feature," a girl with black hair and glasses apologised, as she sat down next to Jessica. "The features dead Angela, don't bring it up again. I got your back, Baby" Eric said, winking at me.

"I guess we'll just run another editorial on teen drinking" the girl, Angela mumbled. I felt sorry for her. It was a small town, not much happened. "You can always do eating disorders, teenage pregnancy," I suggested.

Angela smiled at me. "Those are really good." "I do try." I flicked my hair dramatically. "I'm not just my good looks."

Bella's eyes darted towards the door, a small frown on her face. "Who are they?"

My eyes followed Bella's gaze, only to see six people, two of them being Rosalie and Edward. I enjoyed their company, it was better than some people, Jessica.

"The Cullens" Jessica told us. "They're Dr and Mrs Cullen's Foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska a few years ago." "They like to keep to themselves," Angela said.

"Yeah cause they're together, as in dating. The blonde girl is Rosalie, the dark-haired muscular guy is Emmett, they're together" Jessica said, her eyes darting towards them. "The little dark hair girl is Alice, she's weird. She's with Oliver, the one who just span her around. Dr Cullen is a matchmaker."

"Maybe he'll adopt me," Angela sighed out, causing me to chuckle. "We can only dream," Jessica added, causing the two girls to giggle.

My eyes darted towards the girl they called Alice. She was pretty, yes not as beautiful as Rosalie, though still beautiful. I was confused on why Jessica called her weird, if anything Jessica was the weird one.

"Who's that?" Bella asked, staring at Edward. "Oh, him? That's Edward" I told her, causing Jessica to look at me in shock. "How do you know him?" "I bumped into him, he showed me to the gym" I replied.

"He's totally gorgeous," Jessica said, ignoring my words. "But apparently nobody here is good enough for him. Like I care." She let out a giggle, while Bella continued staring at the boy. She doesn't care my ass. 

"Seriously, don't waste your time" Jessica told the girl. "I wasn't planning to" Bella mumbled. Liar.

It was at that moment I noticed the last boy. He was gorgeous, flawless, like something from a magazine. All the Cullens were attractive, but that one boy, he was something else. Edward was talking to him about something, causing the boy to smirk.

"He is so cute," I accidentally spoke out loud. "That's Jasper, he's a weird one too. He'll probably eat you alive" Jessica said. A smirk was on my face as I licked my lips. "You say it like it's a bad thing."

Angela laughed, causing the two boys to stare at us. The second Jasper's eyes met mine I felt frozen. I felt an attraction to him, something no boy had ever made me feel. It was a strange, yet wonderful feeling.

I managed to tear my eyes away from the boy, only to notice Angela smiling at me. "Well, it seems he's taken an interest in you." "Can you blame them?" I joked, causing the girl to giggle.

My eyes darted back over to Jasper, who was still staring at me. Did he feel the strange sensation I did? Or was it merely just a physical attraction?

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20 - 06 - 2020

For Anyone Who Didn't See The Authors Note, All My Angel Series, Will Be In This Book.

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