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I made my way to Biology, Edward and Jasper by my side. I didn't want to be with him, the Hale boy, but I suppose it could've been worse.

We made our way to our seats. I was attempting to listen to the teacher, though Jasper's stares made it hard to concentrate. It was surprising how I didn't find the urge to shout at the boy, I must have become used to his stares.

A soft, almost silent groan escaped my mouth as we were told to work in pairs, with our desk partner. I had to work with Jasper, lucky me.

"Look, I know you don't like me for some strange reason, and that's fine, whatever, we only have a few classes together. We don't have to speak, just because I'm friends with your family." I took a sigh before I continued rambling. "If you don't want me to sit with your family, I understand. It was extremely awkward."

"You believe I don't like you?" he questioned, his strange, yet attractive accent coming through. I rolled my eyes, not letting the accent affect me too much. "Considering you constantly glare at me, yes I suppose you don't like me."

He let out a chuckle as he stared at the desk. He was amused, yet I wasn't trying to be funny, I was being serious.

"I'm amused due to your oblivious nature," he started. "You have all the boys at school drooling over you. Many say your more beautiful than my sister."

"Obviously, that's a load of bull. Rosalie is the most beautiful girl on the planet," I said. "I have to disagree," he replied.

"Of course you'd say that, she's your sister," I mumbled quietly. "You," he spoke quietly, yet loud enough so only I could hear. "You are the most stunning girl I've ever seen."

I was left speechless. I didn't have a smart comeback. No words came out of my mouth, there was nothing I could say to counter him.

I gulped as I looked into his beautiful golden eyes. "We should get on with the work." I went to touch the microscope the same time as Jasper, causing our hands to touch. I felt a strange, almost electric feeling run through my body. Just like Rosalie, his hand was freezing cold. Definitely a family thing.

"Time to work," he mumbled.

The class went on and surprisingly it was good. We shared small talk, while Jasper smirked at me a few times. I was relieved he didn't know his smirk made me weak.

When the lesson finished and we left the room, I noticed Edward waiting outside for us. We had history next, which meant I was next to Edward.

"Did you enjoy class?" Edward asked, in an almost teasing tone. "It was fine," I replied. He let out a small chuckle. "Just fine? I thought I saw you two become friendly." "We were talking," Jasper told his brother, while I felt my face heat up.

"I was unaware you two could talk without killing the other," Edward joked. "It was tempting. However, I resisted the temptation to pin him down and kill him," I replied, a small smile on my face.

Edward let out a chuckle before shaking his head. "I'm sure he'd enjoy it."

I rolled my eyes, refusing to blush at the words. I've never blushed as much as I had recently, it was embarrassing.

We reached the classroom and made our way to our seats. Edward sat down next to me. He was giving off a weird vibe. I felt as if he was trying to read me. "What are you doing?" "You're rather intriguing. Sometimes I can read you, other times you are blank," he admitted. "What a pity," I mumbled.

Mr Jaden began the class. He refused to ask me, Edward, Jasper or Oliver any questions. We were all well educated when it came to history.

"How long have you Cullens liked history?" I asked. "Jasper knows a lot about War" he replied, causing me to nod my head.

A small smirk appeared on his face as he stared at me. "Perhaps he could teach you a thing or two." "I know enough about wars, thank you" I replied. "I wasn't talking about war," he teased.

I rolled my eyes as I felt my face heat up. Why was I blushing again? "Why do I have to be like this?" I banged my head on the table, a lot harder than I intended too.


Everyone was staring at me as I felt my head spin. "Is there a problem, Miss Swan?" Mr Jaden asked, practically glaring at me.

"No, I just hit my head" I told him. "On what?" I was tempted to reply with a sarcastic comment, though decided against it, this time. "The table." "Go to the nurse's office," he sighed out.

I stood up, only for my head to begin to spin once more. I felt as if I was going to faint. "Do you need somebody to go with you?" Mr Jaden asked. I shook my head. "No, no, I'll be fine."

Slowly I start to walk, only to feel dizziness with each step I took. "Edward-" "Jasper" Edward interrupted the teacher. Jasper nodded his head as he stood next to me.

We started walking to the nurses office. I felt my body sway, though I wouldn't say anything to Jasper, it was none of his business.

"Are you okay?" Jasper asked. "Yes, I'm fine" I lied. I felt myself about to fall, so grabbed on to his arm, keeping me steady. "Yes, you're totally fine," he mumbled as he picked me up as if I weighed nothing. "I didn't say you could touch me." "I don't care," he mumbled.

He carried me to the nurses office, where the nurse gasped. "Oh dear, what do we have here?" "She hit her head," Jasper told the woman. "Oh that's not good."

Jasper put me down on a chair. He put his cold hand on my shoulder, as he stood behind me. "I'll give you some tablets, you need to take one every four hours for the rest of the day," the nurse told me.

I nod my head as she gave me a strip of tablets. I put one in my mouth as she handed me a drink, which I drank to help the tablet go down. "You may go."

We left the room, Jasper walking next to me. "How are you feeling now?" "I feel a little better, not much," I admitted.

"Perhaps you should go home? I could take you, if you like?" he suggested. My eyes widened at the thought of getting in his car.

Would it cause flashbacks?

Would it remind me of my parents?

I'm already thinking of them and I haven't even got in the car yet.

"No, no thank you. I don't like to get in unfamiliar cars" I told him. I was relieved he didn't press on the subject, he just nodded his head.

It's strange, I once disliked him, now I have a weird feeling that we may be very close one day.

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13 - 07 - 2020

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