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New Moon

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Angel P.O.V

They left me, they left us. I tried messaging Rosalie but it didn't go through, she didn't even say goodbye to me.

The first few weeks were terrible for me. I didn't know how to act. I was miserable but Bella was much worse.

Bella only left her room to go to school and while at school she sat at the Cullen's table while I stared at her.

Today was different, it was Saturday. I went downstairs and decided I needed to get out, just to think.

"Charlie I'm going out" I said. He looked at me and nodded his head. I knew it was hard since we're been miserable for awhile.

Anyway I start walking and after an hour I ended up at La Push beach. It was freezing but I didn't mind the cold.

"Hey" a familiar voice said. I turned around and saw Paul. "Hi Paul" I said. "How you feeling" he asked. "Miserable" I replied honestly.

"Aren't you cold" he asked. "Freezing" I replied. He wrapped his arms around me and his body was hot.

"God you're boiling" I said. "It's a perk" he said. "Lucky for some" I said. Then it feel silent but Paul kept his arms around me.

"They made me mad how they just left you in the middle of the woods" he said. "Thank you for taking me home" I said.

"I'll always do my best to protect you" he said as he kissed the back of my head. I felt nice just being with someone.

Then we heard a howl making Paul go tense. "I have to go" he said. "Okay" I said. "Goodbye for now" he said as he kissed my head and went.

I found it weird how he left after hearing a howl. I needed more information, I needed to study just like I did with the Cullens.

After staying for a few more minutes I start walking back. I kept walking and then realised I was outside the Cullens.

"How could you leave me like this? I thought I meant something to you guys but you left me all alone" I said tears coming out of my eyes.

"Well you're not all alone" a voice said. I turned around to see two people. They both had brownish hair and gold eyes.

"Vampire" I said. "Yes we're friends of Rosalie" the woman said. "She asked us to keep an eye on you" the man said.

I was annoyed. "Why? They don't care about me. They'd be happy if I was dead. Maybe I should just make everyone happy and die" I said.

"Rosalie loves you so much she asked us look after you. The only place we can't is La Push" the woman said.

"Why" I asked. "Because of reasons we are not able to say" the man said. I thought then I realised the Treaty.

"The Treaty" I whispered wide eyed. "Why you really are a clever girl" the man said. "How rude we didn't introduce ourselves. I am Melissa and this is my mate Leonardo" the woman said.

"It's nice to meet you both" I said. "We can't stay much longer. I'm sure they could smell us, so let's get you home" Leonardo said.

"Come with me" Melissa said as she put her hand out. I touch it and next thing I knew I was outside my house.

"H-how" I asked unable to finish the sentence. "Some Vampires have powers, I can teleport" Melissa said. "And I can turn invisible" Leonardo said. "Wow" I replied.

"Goodbye for now child" Leonardo said before him and Melissa disappeared. I go in the house and Charlie wasn't there.

One thing I knew for sure that Rosalie cared for me. Another thing I was sure of Paul Lahote was a wolf.

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Angel  (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now