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Everything from that moment was a blur. I was pushed into the car mumbling, 'Calm Down'. It seemed the words angered Jasper.

"Calm down?" He growled. "Calm down?! He wants to kill you, both of you." Jasper sighed,before running his hand through his hair. "We shouldn't have brought you here."

"You couldn't have possibly known this would happen," I said, attempting to calm the vampire.

Jasper got into the back of the car. Bella was sitting next to Edward at the front. 

"Why does he want us so bad?" I questioned. It was strange considering he could've gone after anyone, any human, yet he picked us, human cousins. Was it because we're mated to Vampires? It was a challenge for him?

"James is a tracker, I read his mind. Whatever happened with his disability to move, it made this his most exciting game ever," Edward said as he started to drive.

"Your blood smells delicious." Jasper's eyes flickered to Bella's for a moment. "Both of you smell delicious."

"He's going to look at your house first, your scent is all over the place," Jasper mumbled. "My dad's there," Bella replied. I nodded my head. "We're not letting Charlie get killed because of us."

"We need to get you away from here," Jasper snapped. "I'm not leaving Forks until Charlie is safe," I snapped back at him. "Let us get you out of here first," Edward tried to be reasonable.

"I will jump out of this car if you don't get us to our house right now", I snapped. "We'll lead them away somehow," Bella said. "We'll tell them we're going back to Phoenix."

"Are you sure you'll be able to leave after seeing him?" Edward asked Bella. She nodded her head. "If it means he's safe, we can, we will."

We arrived at the house. I sighed as I looked at the front door. "It's time for some drama," I mumbled.

Bella walked into the house, stomping her feet. "Bella!" I rushed after her. "Come on Bella."

"What's going on?" A concerned Charlie asked. "I'm leaving!" Bella slammed her door shut. I opened it after her. "I'll leave and you'll say you're coming to convince me to return home," Bella said. I nodded my head agreeing with her plan.

I rushed into my bedroom only to see Jasper had already packed for me. "Go, Edward's already packed for Bella," he told him.

He jumped out of the window. I rushed out of my room, only to see Bella rushing downstairs, I followed her, knowing what was about to occur and knowing it would break Charlie's heart.

"I'm leaving, now," Bella said, "Why? Did he hurt you?" Charlie asked. "Break up with you?" "No, I broke up with him," she told him.

"I thought you liked him?"

"I do, I did."

"Just sleep and think about it. If you still feel like this in the morning, then leave."

"No, I'm leaving now,"

"I know I'm not that much fun to be around, but I can change. We can spend more time together," Charlie pleaded, desperate to stop his not-so-little girl from leaving him again.

"Like what? Watching baseball on the flat screen? Eating at the diner every night? That's you dad, that's not me."

"I just got you back." I knew Bella's next words would have to break his heart, it would be the only way we could leave.

"I can't be stuck here like mom."

There it was, the words that broke his heart. The slamming of the door breaking his heart further. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll bring her back." I kissed his cheek before going after Bella, who was in her truck.

I wasn't surprised when I noticed Edward in the driving seat. "He's going to forgive you," Edward told Bella, who sighed. "No, he won't."

A loud bang on the back of the truck made Bella jump and me gasp. "It's just Emmett," Edward mumbled. "Jasper's at ours, while Alice and Oliver are behind us in their car."

We arrived at the Cullen's and a relieved sigh escaped my mouth. Once I'm out of the car, I'm pulledbackwards by Emmett. "He came to warn us about James," Carlisle said. It was then I noticed Laurent.

"This isn't my fight and I'm tired of his games," he started. "He's lethal, I've never seen anything like him and the woman, Victoria, do not underestimate her."

Laurent left, Jasper glaring at his disappearing figure. "I've fought our kind before, we're not easy to kill," Jasper said. "But not impossible," Oliver added.

"We'll tear him apart and burn the pieces," Emmett said excitedly. "You shouldn't relish in the thought of killing another creature, even a sadistic one like James," Carlisle scolded his son.

"We're going to run the girls south, while you lead the tracker away," Jasper told his family. Carlisle shook his head. "No, they know you'd never leave the girls." He looked at Edward. "Neither of you can be with them."

"We'll take them, Oliver and I. We'll drive them south. We'll keep them safe," Alice promised her two brothers.

"Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?" Edward snapped. Alice nodded her head, before taking mine and Bella's hands.

"Esme, Rosalie, put these on to keep the tracker from following Alice?" Edward handed Rosalie Bella's jacket and Esme mine.

The blonde girl scoffed, glaring at the jacket. "Why? What's she to me?" "Here," Esme said, swapping the jackets. "Rose, she's with Edward, she's part of the family and we protect family," Carlisle reminded the girl.

I was about to get into the car with Alice, Oliver and Bella, when Jasper gently took my hand. "You're going to be okay." I let out a small chuckle, fighting the tears that were threatening to fall out. "I'm more worried about you."

"Nothing is going to happen to us, there's two of them and eight of us." He pressed a kiss on my forehead. "You are my life, my everything and I love you, Angel." "I love you too, Jasper."

I got into the car, terrified that this was the end, the last goodbye. 

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I know it's been a while since I updated, my bad. But I'm trying to update more, no promises. There's a 90% chance I'll be hungover on Saturday, so will be in bed all day, if I am, I'll try to update again.

If you've read the story before, you'll notice I'm only changing and correcting errors, not a full-on re-edit.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Angel  (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now