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Morning came around quickly. I woke up hugging Bella which made me smile. I noticed Edward smiling at me too.

"Good morning" he said quietly. "Good morning" I said as I let go of Bella making her wake up too. Edward smiled at her.

I left the tent and noticed Seth's wolf. "Hi Seth you okay" I asked. He came towards me and I stroked him gently.

"If I'm being honest I'm glad you're out of the fight. You're like a little brother to me. You're a real sweetheart" I said as I kissed the top of his head.

"Right. Seth. Hi" Bella said behind me. I kept stroking him. "Where's Jacob? Did he already-" Bella started but was cut off. "Not yet" Edward said.

We looked at him. "He's making sure the woods are clear before he goes" Edward told her. Seth licks my hand before he goes off.

"Sorry about last night. It couldn't have been easy on you" Edward said. I moved away from them giving them time to talk.

"You're marrying him" Jacob said. I didn't even know Jacob was there. I knew about the marriage ordeal but Jacob didn't.

"Oh no, Jake.. You knew he was listening" Bella said. "He deserves to know" Edward told her as Jacob started to leave.

"Stop Jake" Bella said but he didn't. "Bella let him go" Edward said. "Don't. Just let me talk to him alone" Bella said as she went.

I go over to Edward. "It will be okay" I told him. "I don't trust him" he told me. "I know but you trust her" I said.

After some time Edward went stiff. Bella came back. "Edward" she said but paused noticing how tense he was.

"You saw" she asked. "No, but Jacob's thoughts are very loud" he told her. I looked between the two and knew they needed a moment.

I go the mountain and start to feel weak. "It's starting" Edward' voice said loud enough for me to hear.

I made my way over to Edward and Bella. "Jacob just got there" Edward told us before pausing and smiling. "He's doing good" Edward said.

Suddenly Edward went stiff. "Seth go" Edward said. I forgot Seth was around here. I started to feel weak again but fought it.

"Is someone hurt" Bella asked. Edward didn't reply. "Is it Jasper" I asked. He looked at me and Bella with a serious look.

"She's close. I can hear her thoughts. She saw we weren't there but she caught my scent" Edward told us.

"At first she thought Jasper would be with us. But she noticed I wasn't there. She knew I'd never leave you. She knew Alice would be too busy to see her decide" Edward said.

"Victoria found us" Bella asked. "And she's not alone" Edward told us. I grab hold of Bella and pull her towards me.

Then out of the trees came Riley. I recognised his picture from Charlie's office. The poor boy being a slave to Victoria.

"Riley listen to me. Victoria's using you to distract me. She knows I'll kill you. Actually she's glad she won't have to deal with you anymore" Edward told him.

He looked hesitated. Victoria comes out from the trees. "Don't listen Riley. I told you about their mind tricks" she said.

"Yes I can read her mind. That's how I know what she thinks o you. How I know she doesn't love you" Edward told him.

"He's lying" Victoria told him. "Her sole purpose for creating you and this army was to avenge her true mate, James. That's all she cares about, not you" Edward said.

"There's only you. You know that baby" Victoria said. Riley looked between the two then at me for some reason.

"Think about it. You're from Forks you know the area. That's why she picked you. She's using you like she's using the rest of them" Edward told him.

"Riley don't let him to this to me, to us. I love you" she lied perfectly. "You're dead" Riley said to Edward.

Riley charges towards Edward who doesn't move. Seth jumps out of the woods and attacks him making me gasp.

Victoria starts to leave but Edward darts in her path. "You can escape, you always do. But you'll never get another chance like this" Edward said making her hiss.

"Don't you want them. Don't you want us to feel the pain you felt when we killed James. When we tore him to pieces and turned him into ash, into nothing" Edward said.

Victoria turned towards me and Bella. I tried to produce a shield but I just fell to my knees completely weak.

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~(End Of Part 19. Only a couple more chapters)~

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