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Anna looks at me. I look back, still a bit surprised to be here. "I have a favour to ask," Anna says.

"Okay," I say, surprised. "Um, what?"

"Can I borrow your dress?"

I don't know what to say. I sit there and look at her. I open my mouth, then close it again. I really am quite stupidly startled.

"Because this," she says. She moves her arm, so I can see the front of her dress, and see a huge orange stain spilled down it. "We hit a bump," she says, and points to a bottle of orange juice in the holder in the door.

"Oh," I say. "Wow. That's awful."

"Yes," she says. "And I'm going to a media thing, and I really need to be there. But I can't turn up like this."

"No, of course not," I say. "Can you send someone to get new clothes?" I don't know why I say that. I suppose I'm trying to be helpful.

"I could," she says. "But I don't trust them to pick right. I need to see anything I wear myself before I wear it."

I nod. I do actually get that. I mean, I'd like to be in a position to be able to get that, and if I had people who fetched my clothes for me, I'd absolutely worry about checking what they picked for me, too. So I understand what she means, anyway. I'm picky about clothes, too.

"And anyhow," Anna says. "There isn't really time. I'm meant to be there, well, right now."

"Oh," I say. "Yeah, I see."

"So could I borrow yours? Since it should fit me? Please?"

"Um," I say. "But what do I wear...?"

"I can get someone to bring you another dress. Or you can put on mine. Whatever you want. And I'll only be an hour, no more than that, I promise."

I hesitate. I know Anna's famous and everything, but I'm a little reluctant to do this when I only just met her. And as well, I really need to show up at the party I'm going to. The friend who is going away, Elouise, is moving overseas, which means I won't see her again for quite a while. I wonder if I should explain all that.

Anna is watching me think. "Please," she says. "It would really help me out a lot."

"It's just..." I say. "I was on the way somewhere..."

"Oh," she says. "Yes, of course you were. I'm sorry. Where are you going? When do you need to be there?"

"A party," I say. And then I think. "You'll only be an hour?"

"An hour at the most, I promise."

"I suppose I don't need to be at my thing until later..."

"How much later?" she says, eagerly.

"An hour would be fine," I say. "Or a little bit longer."

She seems pleased. She smiles.

"I could wait here in the car for you," I say. "I suppose. If that's okay with you?"

"Thank you," she says. She seems to have decided I'm agreeing. I'm not completely sure I am yet, but her enthusiasm is making me want to. "What kind of party were you going to?" she says. She's just chatting now, I think.

"A going-away party."

"Somewhere in town?"

I nod.

"Well, I could borrow your dress, and do my thing, and then change right back, and drop you off there?" she says.

I nod slowly. It actually sounds like that would work. "All right," I say. "Yes, that's fine. Um, when do you want to do this? Like now?"

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