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I look at Anna. "Your hair..." I say to her, thinking I should warn her. She probably knows, but I tell her anyway. It's got a bit messy from having dresses pulled on and off past it.

She nods, and takes a make-up bag out of a glove-box kind of cupboard in front of her. She gets out a mirror, and looks at herself, and then starts fiddling with her hair, tidying it up. Then she takes out lip gloss and retouches her mouth.

I watch, not sure what else to do. I don't want to move around too much. I'm covered up at the moment, holding her dress against my front, but to actually put it on I'll have to uncover myself again, and I'm not sure I want to do that. Getting changed in front of her would be fine, ordinarily, probably, except that we just kissed. So now it feels like being half-naked in front of her is somehow a big deal, because she might want to kiss me again.

I just sit there and watch her instead.

"Don't watch me," she says, after a moment, still doing her lips.

"I'm not," I say, but I keep watching anyway, and she grins, like she knows I am.

"You should put that on," she says, glancing at her dress.

She probably just wants to distract me, I assume, so I'll stop staring. But I almost do. I think about doing it, anyway, except by then the car is obviously slowly down and pulling off the road and into a driveway. I glance around, thinking quickly, and decide I'm better off staying back where I am, away from the door, and with the dress held in front of me. Rather than having it half over my head when someone suddenly opens the door, I mean. I don't know if there'll be door-openers and photographers wherever we're going, but anything's possible, I suppose. And I feel safer just hiding, hoping no-one notices me.

"Which side do you get out?" I say to Anna.

She's still looking at herself in a mirror, thinking about her hair. "Do I look okay?" she says.

"You look amazing."

"Don't just say that," she says. "Actually be honest."

"Really," I say, and mean it. "You look amazing. You look wonderful. Your hair's fine. But which side of the car are you going to get out?"

She seems a little surprised, but she points to the pavement side of the car. Which happens to be her side, the side she's already on.

That settles it for me. I decide I'm better off staying where I am, squashed as far back into the seat as I can, rather than trying to put her dress on in a hurry. I lift my feet up, onto the seat in front of me, hoping my legs won't show out the open door, and then hide as much of myself as I can under her dress. I hug it tightly. So tightly I'm probably crumpling it and making permanent creases. But I sit there doing that anyway, hugging her dress, and looking at her wearing mine.

"Bring that back, okay?" I say, looking at my dress. I'm suddenly feeling uncertain about all of this.

She nods. She smiles. "I promise I will," she says. "An hour. I won't be any longer."

"And I'll just wait here for you?"

Anna points to the driver. "She can drive you somewhere if you want?"

"Um, maybe."

"An hour," Anna said. "And thank you. Thank you so much."

"It's okay." I say.

"All right," she says. "I'm getting out. Duck if you want to."

I do. And I pull her dress up, over my face. She gets out, as quickly as she can, opening and closing the door almost too fast for me to see her go.

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