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We kiss. Anna kisses me, and once I stop being stunned, I kiss her back. For quite a while. We kiss, and I forget I'm holding her dress up between us, and let go of it without thinking, mostly so I can put my arms around her. The dress falls down, and suddenly there's a whole lot more warm skin pressing against me than there was a moment ago.

Like warm, soft celebrity skin. Secret, closeted celebrity skin. Which is obviously even sexier than the usual kind of warm skin, because I don't know why, really, it just is.

Her skin is sexy. She's sexy. So sexy I forget that dropping the dress also means I'm sitting in a car and pretty much bare all over, anyway. Which would usually take some forgetting.

I want her. I desperately want her. I start touching her as we kiss. Because of all that bare warm skin, I suppose. I slide my hands up her arms, all silkily, and down her back gently too. I feel her, and touch her, wanting to caress her all over. I open my mouth, kissing more intensely, tasting her, feeling her lips and mouth. I kiss her frantically, wanting to kiss her ever more than I want to touch her, and I want to touch her quite a lot.

We kiss. And she seems to want me, too. She's sighing as I touch her. She's sighing, and stroking my neck gently, and making happy little sounds with her mouth as we do.

She tastes like oranges and breath and warmth and peaches, by the way. Just if you care. And a little of tingly electrical excitement. And lip gloss. And she feels all soft and warm and silky, and she smells like all sorts of teasy wonderfulness, too. Like a scent I don't recognise, but which makes me want her terribly. I touch her, and breathe in the smell of her, gently, while we kiss.

We kiss. We kiss for a long time. And then, quite suddenly, she stops.

She stops kissing and moves back a little and says, "Oh fuck, I'm so sorry."

I stop kissing too. I don't really have a choice, but I don't try and stop her moving away. I'm still a bit too stunned by what just happened to do anything much, so I let her go, even though I don't really want to.

"I'm sorry," she says, moving even further back from me, right across the other side of the car.

She looks at me. She seems a bit upset.

"Don't worry," I say, a bit breathlessly. "It's fine. I get it."

I do, I think. I think I understand why she might be stopping so suddenly. I mean, I'm feeling weird just being in her limo, kissing like this, so I can only imagine how this is for her. Because for anyone at all, I suppose, kissing like this can be complicated, and it must be even more complicated for her, what with how she's famous and everything. I mean, maybe she hasn't ever kissed a girl before. Or maybe she doesn't usually kiss non-celebrities. Who knows? Maybe this was just an impulsive experiment and it didn't work out, but hey, I'm flattered she wanted to try with me. I made out, even though only briefly, with someone totally famous.

Which really isn't what I ought to be thinking about right now, but I have to admit, a little part of me is.

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