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I look at Anna, as she looks down at our tangled-together legs, and I don't know what to say. Or ask. Or do. So I just look up at her and wait for her to do something. Anything to make this less awkward.

I think Anna might be feeling the same thing. I'm not sure, but she might. She looks downwards for a moment, and then looks up at me. She gives me this desperate, thoughtful look that makes me achy inside just seeing it.

She looks, and then she opens her mouth as if she wants to say something too, but then doesn't seem to know what.

She opens her mouth, and looks at me uncertainly, and then, carefully, deliberately, she moves her leg.

She shifts her leg upwards, sliding it higher between mine. She shifts it, and then shifts herself, leaning over me a little more, with one hand on the back of the couch, behind my head, so she's pressing herself down onto me, through my undies. She makes one slow sensual slidey movement that makes me shiver and ache inside, and then she looks at me. As if waiting to see what I'll say.


I swallow. I look at Anna.

I want her. I want her desperately. I want her so badly I can't think. So I hurt inside, and my chest feels empty and like I can't breathe, or like I'm breathing too much.

I want her to move her leg, to just start pressing down against me. To let me feel something, not necessarily actual sex, but just a touch, pressure, anything. I need her to do something other than stare at me and wait, but she isn't. She's just looking at me, motionless, apparently as stuck as I am, indecisive, and waiting to see what I'll do.

I was scared, before, scared about being too obvious. I was nervous about us going too fast. I was a bit too impressed by her being famous, and worried about what she thought of me.

I was all of that before, but now, suddenly, I don't really care.

I can't stand waiting any longer.

I can't stand what I'm feeling.

I pull her down onto myself, and kiss her again. I put my hands on her hips, and pull at her as I kiss, trying to make her move against me.

She understands. She starts fucking me.

We haven't said a word, and this is all happening horribly quickly, but it seems to be working out okay.

She knees over me, and holds onto the back of the couch, and fucks me slowly as I kiss her.

And ever so slowly, as she does, I feel that ache deep inside me unknot itself. I feel it turn into something else, something hot and wet and desperate, as pleasure and wanting and heat start slowly seeping up inside me. I feel her mouth, and her body, and her leg, and I look up into her eyes, and I'm lost, utterly lost, in her and her touch and what she's making me feel.

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