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I look at Anna. I almost wonder if this isn't getting too complicated, and whether I shouldn't just say about bathrobes and bedrooms, and suggest we do that instead. Because then, we could both calm down and get dressed and then start over feeling vaguely normal. And let whatever is trying to happen here actually happen.

I almost do. I almost tell her to just go and change and that I'll stand here and wait. But then I decide not to, because I don't want to look silly by saying it, if she doesn't agree.

Instead, I try to be sensible. I try to work this out by talking.

"But you're famous," I say.

Anna looks at me. "So?"

"So you must be used to doing this, right? Like photo shoots and stuff? Being undressed in front of other people?"

"What?" she says. "No. I mean, that's on closed sets..."

"Closed sets?" I say.

"Well, yeah."

"I don't know what that means," I say.

"Oh. Um, that there's no-one there but the photographer and me."

"Well, there's no-one here but you and me..."

"That's different," Anna says flatly. "And you know it is."

I'm not really sure why. "How is it...?" I say, confused.

"Well, you're you," Anna says. "And we're here. And on a set, that's with people I don't actually want to..."

She stops suddenly.

She stops, but I get what she means. I get it exactly.

"Oh yeah," I say. "Um, I see."

There's an awkward pause. Anna is starting to blush, as if she's suddenly realizing that she's said far too much. And I feel like I have too, and that all my talking is just making this more complicated.

Because everything is getting really complicated. And I don't know what to do now.

"Um," Anna says, after a moment. "How about both together?"

I nod.

I nod, but then, right away, I change my mind.

I don't have to be all insecure like this, I tell myself. I'm not usually. And as well, I sort of get how this might be worse for Anna, in a way, because she probably thinks I've got expectations or something. I'm not sure what, but something. Some morbid interest, because of her fame, or some curiosity, as well as just being into her. I mean, I get that, I get how it is for her, and that in a weird way, it might actually be a bigger deal for her being seen by me, than me by her. Despite all my worries.

I mean, it's an idea that takes some getting used to, as I stand there looking at her, but still. I think it's right.

Which means whatever happens next might well be up to me.

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