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I push Anna's dress down, quickly. The dress I'm wearing, I mean. And I push it down, rather than pulling it up over my head, so my hair doesn't get any more messed up than it already is.

As I push, I hear cloth moving behind me, so I assume Anna is taking off my dress too.

I bend over, and step out of her dress, and then straighten back up. And then I hold her dress tightly against my front, clutching it, covering myself as best I can. Because, I mean, of course I do, since I'm naked except for my undies, in a room with someone famous, so really, I'm holding onto it with a kind of near-panic, and wondering what on earth I'm about to do.

I glance down, making sure I'm covered up, I suppose, and then realize my undies have slipped while I was taking the dress off. So I straighten them quickly with one hand, still holding onto the dress with the other. And then, because I'm looking down, I see my shoes, and suddenly wonder whether I look a bit much, like I'm trying too hard, standing there in underwear and heels and nothing else. I decide I do, so I step out of my shoes, and kick them away so I don't trip when I turn around, and by then some of my hair has fallen in front of my face, with all the looking downwards. Irritated, I push that back out the way and behind my ear, where I hope it will stay, and then, after all that moving around, I have to check again that Anna's dress is still covering me. I mean, covering me from the front, so it will be when I turn around. And it still is, as far as I can tell.

I think I'm ready. Finally. And I also think, after everything I just did, that I really, really hope that Anna has just been doing an equally complicated self-check as me, because otherwise I'll feel completely stupid if I ever find out she didn't.

Maybe she did. Maybe not. I actually still have no idea.

Anyway, I stand there, nervously, and check over myself again, and decide my hair is fine and her dress is in front of me and my back is straight and my weight is on the ball of my foot so I'm a little up on my toes, so my legs look their best, and my shoulders are back. Everything seems fine. I stand there, checking, thinking that I might actually, finally be ready.

"Okay," I say. "Um, I think I'm done."

"Me too," Anna says."

"So we turn around?"

"Yep," Anna says.

"Both at once?" I say.

"All right."

"So, like, at the count of three?"

Anna sighs. I mean, I think she sighs. I'm almost certain I hear her sigh.

"Hey," I say, slightly defensively. "I'm just making sure we both know what we're supposed to do."

"I know," she says. "I'm sorry."

"So we go on three?" I say. "Like one two three, and we turn around?"

"Okay," Anna says. "Yes."

"One," I say. "Two..."

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