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Anna comes back. She jumps into the car, and says, "We can go, thank you," to the driver, and then to me, "And thank you as well. Thank you lots for doing that. For everything, actually. I really appreciate it."

I shrug and smile, but I don't say anything. I'm happy to see her back, and I'm also glad she's actually come back at all. Not that I doubted her, not really, but I'd started to wonder whether she might get distracted or remember something else she had to do.

I'd worried, that was all. Mostly just because I have to get to Elouise's party. I mean, I don't know Anna yet, so I don't know how flaky she is, or how easily-distractable, and whether she does what she says she will, and does it on time. Because everyone gets distracted sometimes, don't they. I mean, I have before. I've forgotten someone was waiting for me and wandered off, and Anna is famous and important, so why wouldn't she do that ten times as badly? Or a hundred?

Anyway, the point is, I worried, but I shouldn't have. Anna didn't wander off, she came back, and here she is, right here like she said she'd be, on time and everything. And I appreciate it. And I'm relieved she is, too. So I sit there, smiling at her, being grateful. And also feeling a bit overawed by her famousness again, now that we're both dressed and not kissing or anything else.

I sit there, smiling. Smiling a lot, I suspect.

Smiling like a weirdo.

Probably smiling far-too-creepily much, really. I mean, just being realistic.

I think I must be, anyway, because she looks at me for a moment, and kind of blinks, which I assume is because of my creepy, smiley stare. And then she seems to decide to just keep saying what she was going to say anyway, and ignore my suddenly odd behaviour.

"Well, thank you," she says. "That was all. I just wanted to say that, because I was in a hurry before and didn't. It was a very strange thing to ask you to do, and you were very sweet about it, and I really appreciate that you helped. You saved me, basically."

I shrug again. I want to blush, almost.

I also want to stop grinning like an idiot.

I can't, though. I can't manage to. It's a lot of praise from, well, her, and I'm not quite sure how to respond.

I decide I have to make myself say something, though. Anything at all, really. Just so I start seeming like a normal person again.

"It went well?" I manage.

She nods. "Very."

"That's good," I say.

Anna nods again. "Yeah it is."

This isn't going well. It's feeling like some kind of strange too-polite conversation about nothing, so I decide to just stop, and not say anything else until I have something sensible to say.

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