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I turn quickly, because my back is bare and I want to hide myself behind Anna's dress. The dress I'm holding in front of me, I mean. I want to turn around, so the dress is between me and her and she isn't looking at my bare skin. And no, I don't really know why I'm worrying about this so much all of a sudden, I just am. But I notice, as I'm busy turning around, that I can hear cloth rustling behind me too, quite suddenly, as if Anna is turning around just as quickly as me.

I turn. We turn. I'm holding her dress in front of myself, with folded arms clamped down on it because I'm terrified of accidentally letting go. I'm feeling horribly self-conscious, even though I probably shouldn't.

I mean, I'm pretty sure I don't need to be worried, even though I am. I'm fairly sure that Anna is into me, or otherwise I wouldn't be here, and I'm also fairly sure we're going to have sex. Or at least to start and try.

I know all that, or part of me does. But another part of me is still nervous.

Mostly because, well, her. And famous. Mostly because that.

So I turn, holding her dress against myself, and I see she has taken my dress off, and that she's doing exactly the same thing as me. Like, clutching the dress against herself, very tightly, so I suppose she's worried too.

Which seems slightly odd, actually, that she's nervous, when she's the reason I am.

It seems odd, but I suppose that's just how people are.

We're both worried. And into each other. And worried. Stupidly.

So we look at each other. I bite my lip, and Anna swallows. And neither of us seem to know what to say.

My dress is slightly smaller than hers. Mine is an actual cocktaily backless party dress, and hers is a more streetweary one. So fancy, but still streetwear, so there's a bit more of it than there is of mine. So basically, I'm covered from my chest to my legs and can just stand there and be hidden, but she's having trouble covering herself, or seems to think she is anyway, and is kind of shifting the cloth, and moving her hands, pressing it against herself here and there. So I see a little of her hip, and the side of her leg a moment later, and I feel a bit sorry for her, since she obviously feels the same way as I do, but can't hide herself as well.

I want to help, but I don't really know how, except to hurry up and get dressed, so I just do my smartassy cleverness thing, like I was doing before.

"So," I say. "Um. Give me back my dress."

Anna looks at me. She swallows again. "You give me mine," she says.

This might be a problem, I think suddenly, with both of us wanting to swap at once, but neither wanting to let go of the dress she's currently hiding behind.

"You first," I say, uncertainly.

"No way," she says, and holds my dress tighter against herself.

"Well I don't want to go first," I say.

"I know," she says. "But me either."

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