Chapter 3

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I walked into Mina's room to see that it was clean aside from all the crayons and toys on the floor. At first, Mina was scared of me. Once I told her who I was, she became more comfortable. Her room was filled with toys, dolls, and lots of pink things. Sungmin would've loved it.

Once the desk manager, who was actually the owner of the foster home, left her room, I was able to take off my sunglasses and talk to Mina.

"So Mina, how old are you?" I asked.

"I'm 5!" she said proudly showing me five fingers on her right hand.

I smiled and asked, "Are you in school?"

"No, they said my birthday is weird, so I can't go yet," she said while examining one of her dolls.

"Do you like it here at the foster home?"

She played with the doll's hair while she answered, "I've only been here since I was 3. Ms. Lee said someone would adopt me soon. But I don't know if she's right."

I tried to smile, but it was sad hearing that come from a 5 year old. "Do you remember anything that happened before you came here? Like...your mom or dad?"

She was quiet for a while, then answered, "Ms. Lee said that my mommy and daddy felt I would be better off with another family. But I love my mommy and daddy. I really want to see them again."

Inside I could feel my heart sinking. I felt really bad for her, it made me want to find out who her parents were.

"Do you remember your mommy or daddy's name?"

Looking up at the ceiling, she tried hard to remember, "Oh! My mommy's name is Kim Mi Hyun."

"Your mom?"

She nodded her head yes while smiling at me. I took out my phone and put it down as a note.

"You can't remember your daddy's name?" I asked.

Shaking her head no, she answered, "I can't remember my daddy's name for some reason. It's Kim....Kim Kang....something."

I wrote that down too, just in case I could pick up a little on him too.

After it was quiet for a while, Mina asked me, "Are you going to help find my mommy and daddy?"

Feeling the tears form in my eyes as I put my sunglasses back on, I told her, "I'll try as hard as I possibly can."

She smiled as I got up to leave and she screamed out, "Come see me again!"

I smiled back and waved, "I will."

As I was walking out of the front door, Ms. Lee, the owner, asked if I was interested in adopting Mina. I smiled at her and said, no longer acting like an old lady, "I don't want to adopt Mina, I just want to help find her parents."

"You want to what?" she asked sounding confused.

"Find her parents. She dosen't remember too much about them, but she really wants to see them. So, I'm going to help her find them."

Ms. Lee's face went down and you could see the sadness written all over her. "Mina's mom left her here in Jeju."

I was shocked, "What?"

"When Mina and her mom went on a trip here, Mina was left behind while her mother returned to Seoul. It was said that Mina had an aunt that lived here, but we could never find her. It turns out her aunt had moved to Japan. So Mina was taken in to this foster home."

My throat was tightening and I took a deep breath in. Ms. Lee continued speaking, "If you really are going to look for her mother, I wish you the best of luck. If you have any questions, feel free to ask."

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