Chapter 29

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Over the few days that I met her, I've become closer to Mi Hyun. I guess it's because I want to help her out a lot. Today was the day of her interview to see if she would get hired or not. I was really hoping she would so it would be easier on her. That way she wouldn't have to work 4 jobs all at once.

I was waiting eagerly for her to tell me if she got accepted or not. I was outside of Mr. Soo Man's office waiting on her. When she stepped out, I nearly screamed at her. "Did you get the job?!"

She smiled and nodded yes.

"Omo, really?!" I smiled.

"Yes, I start tomorrow," she said smiling bigger than before.

"Ah, that's so great Mi Hyun!" I said jumping up and down, "But...which group are you working for?"

"Um...what is it?....Oh! I think...EXO?" she said.

I laughed a little bit. "EXO? Oh don't worry, they're real fun," I told her.

She smiled and I told her that I had a few other things to do and that I would see her later. As I turned around to walk away, I told her one last thing, "Oh! Mina wants to come by sometime soon! Call me whenever you're off!"

"Okay! I will!" she said as we both waved goodbye.

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"One more picture....okay take a break!"

I sat down at my dressing table as my makeup and hair were retouched. We had a photo shoot to do. It was the first photo shoot we've all done together for a magazine.

Yerin took a drink of water and told me, "Unni, you're really good at photo shoots. It's like a natural thing for you!"

"I guess after you do them for a while you do get used to it," I smiled.

"It's hard trying to figure out different poses though! And when they tell you not to smile...I still smile..." Hyun Jae said.

"Because it's a camera! It's natural for people to just smile at cameras!" Kay Kay said.

"We should do a fun photo shoot sometime. One where we don't have to stand still and strike normal poses. Just go crazy with it," Cho Hee said.

"That does sound like fun," Yerin said.

"Oh, we should have one at the beach!" Hyun Jae suggested.

"No! We should do more vintage style!" Kay Kay added.

"How about a classic, edgy street style?" I said as we all laughed.

"No! We should do a cute style! Like with teddy bears and all that stuff," Yerin smiled.

"Please, like I would do a cute style," Cho Hee said.

Hyun Jae leaned over towards Cho Hee. "Well, you did wear a dress..." she smirked.

"ONE TIME," Cho Hee screamed back as we all started laughing.

"Girls, are you ready?" our director called out.

"Yes~" we all sang and walked back to our places.

The next few days for us went by pretty slow. Promotions for our album were slowly coming to a stop. Which meant that we really didn't have much to do. It was slowly reaching the end of March which meant Kay Kay's birthday was coming up soon. Even though Kay Kay was really crazy and exciting, she didn't like to have anything big on her birthday. She told us that when she was younger she stopped having parties at the age of 8. So we usually ask her what she wants to do and we do whatever she wants. This year, just GUESS what she wanted to do.

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