Chapter 44

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The news was too much to bear. No one could really process in their mind that a sweet, 6 year old child had passed. It was absolutely heartbreaking. And it was hard on everyone.

Mi Hyun took it really hard. She couldn't believe that just after reuniting with her only daughter, that she had left. She tried to think of it as positive as she could. That Mina would only suffer with her illness if she lived longer or that there was a reason for her to leave so soon.

Ryeowook and I cried a lot. I often held HaNeul and would just start crying. Because I know what it is to be a mother now. And I know for sure that if it was my daughter I lost, I would've been going crazy.

The guys and my members cried a bit too. My members didn't meet Mina too much, but they were affected just by that one time because of her sweet spirit. Donghae would silently cry sometimes. Mina loved him the most. And Donghae loves being around kids and playing with them. If he could he would adopt every child in the world.

It was obvious that Mina meant a lot to everyone. Just seeing her smile would make you happy. She had that kind of charm to her. Very often I thought about the memories we made. The day we first met, the times I would visit her in the foster home, getting her cute presents and cooking for her whatever she wanted. I really was going to miss all of that. I guess that saying is true. You don't know what you have until it's gone.

And of course, today was the day; Mina's funeral. The sky had a dreary feeling all over. Even though it was summer, the clouds blocked the sun from shining and bringing warmth. Instead there was a cool breeze that surrounded the city of Seoul.

It was quiet that morning too. Ryeowook and I didn't say much to each other. HaNeul didn't make her baby noises as much either. It was like silence was eternity. Silence, was the respect we held for Mina.

We quietly drove off to the funeral after dropping HaNeul off at Ryeowook's parent's house. When we arrived, Mi Hyun was there with some of her co-workers. Super Junior was there along with my members. They felt that they needed to come even if they only met Mina once. Our manager was nice enough to give them the day off. A few of Mina's teachers and friends came as well. It was a small amount of people, but Mina was only a child. She didn't live long enough to meet many people.

The funeral, was indeed sad. Many people cried and hugged each other for comfort. It was open casket, so everyone could see the still, peaceful look on Mina's face. She looked very peaceful, so I was happy. It was sad that she had left, but knowing that she was happy, so was I.

We quickly left for the burial to get one last look at Mina. Everyone got a separate chance to say their last goodbyes before the casket closed. When it was my turn, I shed a small tear and walked over.

Her facial expression remained the same; peaceful. I moved my hand and caressed her cold face. A few more tears shed as I quickly wiped them away and reached for the bag behind me.

"Mina..." I softly called out, "It's Akia unni."

I slowly reached into the bag and spoke, "I brought something for you." Finally, I pulled out one of the paper cranes she made. "See? It's a paper crane. This is the first one that you made..." I said starting to choke on my words.

"Do you want me to set them in your casket for you?" I asked and watched her still body. I softly smiled and placed a few cranes inside the casket with her.

"Remember this one?" I asked and pulled out a white paper crane with writing all over it.

"This is the one that unni wrote as a letter and folded it into a crane," I said and gently lifted her hand to place the crane.

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