Chapter 4

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The next few days, I was constantly visiting Mina at the foster home. I no longer went dressed as an old lady; just as myself. Mina slowly grew closer and closer to me, not feeling awkward anymore. I never told her the real reason I was there, even though Ms. Lee tried to help as much as she could. Mina still had trouble remembering her parents, which meant I had to fill in the puzzle for her.

"Stay still! It won't come out good if you keep moving," I told Mina as she stumbled around her room.

"Just sit on your bed and smile," I said.

She sat down and showed me a big smile. Mina had asked me to draw a picture of her since I told her I was good at drawing. The only problem was, she never stopped moving. She only stayed still for awhile, then wanted to play again.

About 10 minutes later, I added a few finishing touches. "Done!" I shouted as Mina ran over to see the drawing. It looked exactly like her; black, short hair, big, black eyes, and a cute smile.

"Wow, it looks so real!" she said staring at her picture.

"I told you I was good," I smiled at her.

She turned to look at me and stared at me for a long time. "What's your name?"

"That's right! Even though I visit a lot, I never got a chance to tell her my name!"

"My name is Akia Choung, well, Akia Kim now," I smiled at her.

Her eyes suddenly grew wide, "Akia Choung? Like, Neon's Akia Choung?"

I nodded my head as she said, "Wow~~ you're real!"

Laughing to myself, I told her, "Yes, I am real."

"Why is your name Kim now?"

"I got married to someone with the last name Kim, see?" I told her showing her my wedding ring.

"Wah~ Unni, you're ring is so pretty! Can I see your husband?"

I smiled and ruffled her hair, "Sure, I'll bring him by tomorrow."



Walking out of the foster home, I waved goodbye to Ms. Lee and a few other kids that got to know me there.

Once I got back to the hotel, Ryeowook ran up to me to give me a big hug.

"I missed you~" he cried out.

"Oh please, I was only gone for about an hour."

"But that's like a year to me."

I smiled and gave him a quick kiss while I went to watch TV. I jumped onto the bed and started flipping through channels as Ryeowook said, "You know, we only have 5 days left."

I quickly sat up in shock of what he said, "Are you serious?!"

"Time flies when you're having fun," he smirked.

Throwing my body back onto the bed, I was pouting. "Do we really have to go back?"

"Yes, we have things to do. Like you, you have work."

"UGH," I said rolling over onto my stomach.

"I thought you love work?" he asked.

"Of course I do! I just know when I get back I'll have a crap load of things to do."

"Aw, it's okay."

It was quiet as he sat on the bed and asked, "What are you going to do about Mina?"

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