Chapter 13

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When I woke up the next morning, I went straight to the S.M. dorms. I knew that the girls would look SO terrible that morning. All of them were drunk and are now, probably hungover. It is what they get though. Especially Yerin. "She was so innocent.......and from that one sip......"

I dreadfully walked down the hallway of the 10th floor, awaiting to see my members. Once I opened the door, I spotted a body on the couch.

"Who is?....."

It was Kay Kay. Asleep on the couch, with her arms draping off on one side. A pillow was tucked under her head that was about to fall off. I rushed over to her and picked her head back up. She made a noise as I picked up her head, but I paid no attention to it. I needed to see if the other members were okay.

When I was walking down the darkened hallway, I saw a figure at the end. A figure that was on the floor, sitting up against the wall with hair hanging over it's face. It looked.....dead. "HOLY CRAP IT'S THE GRUDGE."

Slowly walking towards the figure, I started to realize who it was. I softly lifted up the hair from their face. "Oh wait, it's just Yerin."

Wait. the hallway......looking like the grudge...... What's wrong with that picture?

I slightly started tapping Yerin's shoulder.

"Yerin...wake up," I called out.

There was no answer. I tried again. Still, no answer. I was starting to get worried.

"Yerin.....Yerin...wake up!" I said a little louder.

"Hnn..." she made a noise and rolled her head backwards to where she hit the wall. She slowly reached her hand back to touch her head. "Ow..." she said in a low voice.

Moving her hair out of her face, I asked her, "Yerin, why are you out here sleeping?"

"What?...." she looked around for awhile and noticed where she was at. "Oh....I....I don't really remember....."

I sighed, "Can you at least try to remember?"

"Um...well.....give it a minute...."

We both sat there, waiting for the explanation on how she ended up sleeping in the hallway corner. She tapped her fingers on the floor lightly trying her hardest to remember.

"Bathroom," she said.


"The bathroom. I had to go to the bathroom last night and.......when I came out....... Ah~ my head hurts!" she pouted and held her head.

I grabbed onto her shoulders, "Yerin, focus. What happened when you came out of the bathroom?"

"Right. I came out and.........I felt....really sleepy....and tired. When I tried to open my door......I couldn't because I couldn't focus. I fell backwards and......I don't remember anything else."

"You probably fell back and crawled up in the corner and went to sleep."

"Yea!~ That's what happ- head really hurts!......."

I helped bring her back to her feet. "Why don't you go into your room and sleep, okay?"

She slowly nodded her head and walked with heavy feet back into her room. Next, was Hyun Jae. I quietly opened the door to her room and saw her sprawled out on her bed. She looked like she wasn't going to wake up for an eternity, so I just closed the door and moved on to check Cho Hee.

Honestly, I was scared to walk into Cho Hee's room. She was the most drunk out of all of them, so the way she looked was probably going to be the worst. When I made my way to her room and opened the door, I was right.

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