Chapter 27

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"Yes, are you Kim Mi Hyun?" I asked.


"May I speak to you for a while?"

"Yes, please come in," she said opening her door wider and allowing me to come inside.

Her apartment was nice and clean. It was small, but seemed to fit her perfectly. It had a nice calming feel to it too. I sat down on the floor next to the small table. She came back with a tray of tea in her hands. She poured me a cup as I took my sunglasses off and set them on my head.

"So, what is it that you need to talk to me about?" she asked as I drank some of her tea.

I sighed, "Please don't be shocked at what I am about to tell you. But, I have your daughter."

"...What do you mean?"

"You daughter, Mina. Right now she's living with my husband and I."

She seemed shock. She looked like she couldn't speak. "May I ask your name?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm Akia Ch- Kim." "Gosh, I'm so used to saying Choung but now I'm Kim. Really have to get used to that."

She furred her eyebrows at me. "You look I know you?"

"You may know me by Akia Choung."

"Oh, you're that idol! have my daughter?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Does that adopted her?" she asked.

"Oh no! No, we didn't adopt her," I said.

"Then....what do you mean by you have her?"

I sighed and told her the long story of how we met Mina and decided to keep her until we found her mom. While I told my story, Mi Hyun had a few tears in her eyes.

"....I can't believe it..." she said.

"Your daughter really misses you, and she wants to be reunited with you again. That's why my husband and I set out to find you. I know it sounds a bit much but, Mina seems like she can't live without you."

By that time, Mi Hyun was crying. She grabbed herself a tissue as I continued. "She still has the stuffed animal you gave her. Even though it looks really dirty. She told me you gave it to her."

"Yes, it was the first animal I ever gave her," she smiled to herself.

"Mi Hyun, I would like to ask you some questions...."

"Please, go ahead."

"...What happened? What made you leave Mina in Jeju? She always talked about the good memories she had of you, so what happened?"

She sighed, "I might as well tell you the whole story. It will answer most of your questions."

I took a small sip of tea as Mi Hyun began her story. "It all started when I met Mina's father, Kang Dae. He was a really good man, and we soon got married. After we got married, our life was perfect. We both had good paying jobs, and I soon became pregnant with Mina. Kang Dae was so happy that he was going to be a father. When Mina was 2 years old, Kang Dae was laid off. It really tore our family apart. I had to get extra jobs to support us. The only bad thing about it was I got really tired from working too much, which made me slack off at work. And I usually got fired. The really bad thing about Kang Dae getting laid off was it made him depressed. And...he started using drugs..."

When she said that, my eyes widened in shock. I nearly choked on my tea. Mi Hyun continued her story, "It really tore me apart that he started doing that, but I couldn't tell him anything because I was afraid. Slowly, I saw my once perfect family falling apart before my eyes. And I couldn't do anything about it. One night, Kang Dae and I got into an argument. He got really angry and walked out. Mina saw him leave and I told her he went walking. It turns out, he got arrested that night. The cops found him in a drug house selling and taking drugs. It broke my heart when I found out about it. I knew then that I had to focus on Mina. I knew that I couldn't do anything for her, so I went with her to Jeju so she could stay with my sister. It turns out, my sister moved to Japan without letting anyone know. So I had to take Mina to a foster care. I left her there and came back to Seoul with a broken heart. My husband was in jail and I had to basically give up my only child because I couldn't take care of her."

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