Chapter 42

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Everything seemed to just stop. I felt like I no longer had a heart because it had sunk too much. I watched as Mi Hyun's tears slowly fell onto her lap. This news....wasn't what I wanted to hear. Nobody wants to hear something like this but...things do happen.

I just had to take it all in. I quietly sat down next to Mi Hyun and just stared out in front of me. My body was numb. It hurt knowing that Mina has cancer...and it could potentially..."No, think positive thoughts. Positive thoughts only."

My hand slowly made its way to hold Mi Hyun's as we both sat there silently letting our tears flow. Her hand was shaking a little bit, and I could tell her breathing was irregular, so I went back to get more water.

As I was getting the water, I decided to call Ryeowook since he wanted to know the results. But now...I don't think he would want to know.

"Hello?" he answered.


"Did the results come back?"

"Yeah..." I softly spoke.

"What did they say?"

I paused and took a deep breath. "Mina has lung cancer."

There was a pause on the other line. I could hear Ryeowook sigh and mumble something inaudible. "Do I need to go up there?" he asked.

"No, I think I'm about to leave. They're going to let Mi Hyun see Mina soon so..."

"Oh, I understand. Well I'll see you later."

"Yeah," I said and hung up.

I took a deep breath and walked back to the waiting room with the water in my hand. Apparently, the doctor was back and was telling Mi Hyun something. She seemed calmer this time and would repeatedly nod her head. The doctor walked out slowly as Mi Hyun grabbed her purse and followed him.

"Wait Mi Hyun, what did he say?" I asked stopping her.

"He said they have to monitor the cancer and start radiation treatment soon. But thankfully it hasn't spread and it isn't so severe. Now that they've caught it there's a more likely chance that it will go away."


"Yeah," she softly smiled, "Thank you for being here with me. They're going to let me see her now so you can go back home."

"But if you need anything, please don't hesitate to call me or Ryeowook," I told her.

She smiled and placed her hand on my shoulder, "Thank you."

I watched as she quickly caught up with the doctor and walked down the dim hallway. "Well, I guess I'll just drink this water for her."

I returned home to find Ryeowook playing with HaNeul in the living room. From such a young age she was already smiling.

When Ryeowook saw that I was home he shot up quickly. "Is everything okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, luckily they caught it before it spread and it isn't as severe as they thought. Mi Hyun told me they would start radiation on her soon and things should get better."

"So she'll be okay?"

I smiled, "Yeah. She will."

He smiled back as a sudden shriek broke the moment. "Omo, are you getting mad because daddy left you?" I said walking over to greet HaNeul.

She looked up with her bright black eyes and stared at me. I picked her up and held her as she instantly became comfortable in my arms.

The rest of the evening went by like any other day. Now that we were reassured that Mina would be okay as long as she does radiation, everything seemed to be fine.

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