Chapter 26

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I was in shock. My whole body seemed to go numb from shock. My fingers were tingling and sweating.I couldn't really think straight. I knew this day was going to come, I just didn't know when.

"Where is she at? Please, tell me," I begged.

"Hold on now, don't worry," he said handing me a sheet of paper.

"Is this the address?" I asked looking at the paper.

"Yes, but before you go over there, I want you to know that going over there could be a bit dangerous. We don't know how she is now, so seeing her alone might not be good."

I looked up from the paper and squinted my eyes a bit, "What do you mean?"

"Well, while we were doing research on her, we thought we found her husband. We don't know if he is or not but the man we found was taken to jail for a few things."

"So, you're saying she could be up to something too?"

"Yes, that's why I'm saying you might not want to go alone."

"I see..."

"Other than this, we're glad we were able to help you."

"No, thank you so much. This is some great news," I said.

"I'm sure it is," he smiled.

Before I left, I paid the detective and told him goodbye. I gripped the address paper hard before I got into my car. Sighing, I softly placed my forehead on the steering wheel. "What am I supposed to do?"

I quickly got out my phone and dialed Hyun Jae's number.


"Hyun Jae unni, I'm going to my house for a little while."

"Why? Did something happen?"

"Eh, not really."

"Come on, something happened. What did they tell you?" she asked.

"They found Mina's mom, but they said it would be best if I went with someone to see her."

"So, what's the problem?"

"They think her husband went to jail for a few things, so they said not to go alone. Also that it might be dangerous."

"Ohh, I see now. So that's what you're going to talk to Ryeowook about?"


"Okay, we'll see you later then."

"Okay, bye unni~"

And with that, I hung up the phone and drove to my house. I was scared for Mina. Maybe her mom isn't a good person....but, Mina says she has good memories of her mom. "AISH, I don't know what to think!"

When I arrived at my house, Ryeowook had a worried look on his face. He knew that I was coming back from the detective's office to tell him the news. Mina thought I was just visiting again.

After playing and talking with Mina for a bit, I went in our room with Ryeowook to talk to him.

"So, what did they say?" he asked showing concern in this face.

"They found her mom,'s not really what you think."

"What is it then?"

"They might have found a man that is believed to be her husband, and he was taken to jail for a few things. So, they told me she might be up to something too...if you know what I mean. They told me it would be best if I didn't go alone."

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