Chapter 18

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"Yes...she used to work here about 2 years ago...." the manager finally spoke.

"What happened to her?" I asked.

"Well....Mi Hyun and I...we were pretty close. She worked here for about 4 years, as a part time job. She worked very, very hard to support her family. She was probably the best worker I had here. Always on top of things. One day...she came to work and didn't look so good. When I asked her what was wrong, she just said she had a rough night. Those nights slowly turned to weeks, then months. It really affected how she worked. You could tell she was tired, and she had huge bags under her eyes. No matter how many times I told her to take a break, she never would. Finally, it became so bad, I had to let her go."

"Do you know what might have caused her to become tired and not work as well?"

"Oh, I'm not completely sure. I know she had her daughter to raise. I'm not too sure about her husband."

"Did you know her husband?" I asked.

"No, I never met him. She didn't really talk about him either. Even when she first married him she never really talked about him. Lot's of people said he was an amazing man though."

"Do you possibly know her husband's name?"

"Oh, I don't know. My brain is so old so I forget a lot of things now," she laughed.

I smiled, "Do you keep in touch with her?"

"No, I feel like her last day here was the last day I would talk with her. She needed to get some rest, and that's what I let her do."

"So, you probably don't know where she is now, do you?"

"Not a clue."

I sighed, "Thank you for your time though."

"Are you related to Mi Hyun in anyway?" she asked as I stood up to bow.

Smiling a little bit, I told her, "Right now, I'm taking care of her daughter."

She gasped a little bit. There was a small rush of fear that ran across her face. " there something wrong with her daughter? Or with Mi Hyun?" she asked.

"Nothing's wrong. Her daughter just really wants to see Mi Hyun. So, I'm just trying to find her."

The fear disappeared, and relief spread all over her. "You're doing a good thing then," she smiled.

And with that, I left and went back home with Ryeowook's noodles in my hand.

"So, how was it? Did they tell you anything?" he asked once I gave him the noodles.

"Mina, could you go play in your room for a bit?" I asked Mina who was playing with her toys on the floor.

"Okay unni~" she sang and ran off to her room.

Once Mina left the room, I turned to talk to Ryeowook. "They fired her 2 years ago."

"What for?"

"She would always come to work tired, and couldn't work right. Something really serious must've happened for her to lose her job when the manager said she was the best worker there."

"Do you think whatever caused her to lose her job, also caused her to get rid of Mina?" he asked.

"Maybe. I'm not too sure. I asked if she knew anything about her husband but she said nothing. She told me that Mi Hyun wouldn't talk about him. At all. Other people would say that he was amazing though."

Ryeowook was eating his noodles and talking at the same time, "If her husband was amazing why doesn't Mina remember him?"

"Could be because he worked a lot. Maybe she didn't see him enough to actually remember him."

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