Chapter 31

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"Good morning Akia unni~" Yerin sang as I sat down on the couch next to her.

"Good morning. Kay Kay still isn't up yet?" I asked.

"No, I checked on her earlier and she's knocked out cold. I know she'll be miserable when she does wake up," Hyun Jae said.

"Cho Hee unni, I'm surprised to see that you're up," I smiled at Cho Hee.

"I told you I wouldn't drink that much! Believe in me more," she said making us laugh a bit.

Suddenly, there were small whimpering noises coming from the kitchen. Then I remembered, Kay Kay got a new dog.

"Is that Kiki?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think she does that because she's new to this place," Hyun Jae said.

"Then don't keep her in a cage, let her roam around and play. That way she'll get used to the place," I said running to the kitchen with Kiki in my hands. "Omo, she's so small she fits in my hand."

"Hello Kiki~" Yerin sang taking Kiki into her own hands. After looking at Kiki close up, Yerin placed her onto the floor. Within an instant, she started walking around everywhere. Sniffing and walking was all she did.

"Hyun Jae unni, why did you get Kay Kay a dog?" Cho Hee asked.

"Because Kay Kay is really energetic and I figured getting her a dog would help her. You know, since dogs are playful," Hyun Jae answered.

"Until they get old," Yerin said.

"I'm pretty sure when Kay Kay turns 70 she'll still be up and running," I said making us laugh.

Just then, Kay Kay walked into the living room looking like she was a zombie. Her back was hunched and her footsteps were slow and heavy. Her arms hung out in front of her like they were noodles.

"Well, if it isn't the big star of last night," Hyun Jae teased.

"Hnn..." Kay Kay didn't answer and fell straight onto the couch.

Kiki wanted to get on the couch with Kay Kay too but was too tiny to jump, so instead I put her up. She walked all over Kay Kay's lap and found a spot to lay down on. She looked so cute because she was so little.

"How do you feel Kay Kay?" I asked.

"Terrible," she answered.

"How much did you drink?" Yerin asked next.

"Too much."

"Your head hurts, doesn't it?" Hyun Jae added in.


All Cho Hee could do was laugh. "Unni, why are you laughing? You were like this too," Yerin teased.

Cho Hee's face went straight, "Yah, you've only seen me like that once!"

"Only seen you like that? That means it's happened more than once?" Hyun Jae asked.

Cho Hee got quiet as we all started laughing. Kay Kay couldn't laugh because she was hurting too bad. Hyun Jae got Kay Kay some medicine that hopefully will make her feel better. Seeing a tired and sick Kay Kay is weird. It's like she's not even the same person.

Since it was already the afternoon, I called Mi Hyun telling her that I was coming to pick up Mina. When I got to her house Mina was already running around everywhere.

"Unni~" she sang and gave me a hug.

"Did you have fun spending the night with mommy?" I asked her.

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