3. New Experiences

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 Originally posted: Dec 1, 2022 Edited: Apr 30, 2023 + Aug 5, 2023.

Nana quit being surprised towards her ever changing situation. At the same time, there was too much going on for her to retreat into her mind. It was a rare occasion that she had any quiet time now. Her brothers and herself were the youngest kids, but not the only ones. Yumi had another litter of cubs with the pink-head male prior to them. She learned his name was Sano and they interacted occasionally.

Nana did not bother memorizing the names of Yumi's seven other males. Yes, seven. That wasn't even a lot considering how popular Yumi was. According to Nana's sources, her brothers, Yumi was on the prowl for good fox males at all times.

Nana did take the time to look over her new, old home and could practically feel the wealth that went into the house. Yumi was definitely not struggling. Thanks to the twin terrors that were here full-blooded brothers, Nana was kept very distracted from any depressing thoughts. She even managed to pick herself up pretty well. It took time for her appetite to come back, but it eventually did. And even when she put weight on, Yumi did not kick her out immediately.

Nana had to pat herself on the back for that achievement. Yumi's passive attitude towards her had improved with flattery. Nana made sure to toss out lines like, 'Mother is so pretty,' and 'How is Mother so smart?' sometimes.

Yumi wasn't a complete moron, so Nana had to get crafty. She would whisper compliments for Yumi to her brothers as if she was telling a secret. Naturally, Yumi could hear them loud and clear.

It was funny that Nana was putting effort into staying in an unwelcome den. But her crazy, and admittedly cute, brothers helped her mental state improve a lot. If she had to go back to the other den where she was left alone most of the day, Nana figured her health would sink back down like a rock in a pond.

It wasn't like the flattery took a huge amount of effort, but the rewards were high. This family was well off. Really well off. As the only female cub, she was spoiled rotten. This was great and terrible. Great because Nana didn't have to try hard at anything, and terrible because she had to watch over her shoulder for the jealous Yumi.

Yumi did not throw tantrums. Not the screaming, whining kind anyway. She would get eerily quiet and glare. At those times, Nana felt like Yumi was envisioning bad things. Nana became a very humble child to counter that. Unfortunately, it had the opposite effect.

Three months into living here and Nana has learned to throw tantrums. Loud, whiny tantrums. So much for adult pride, Nana didn't need it here. She was sure that Kaito saw through her, Kabuki too, but they did not expose her. She sent them a silent 'thank you' for that.

When she wasn't beefing up her acting skills, Nana laid around doing nothing. Okay, not nothing. She would listen hard to pick up snippets of conversation. She simply remained in bed while doing so. Until her brothers would come drag her out and around, that is.

Other than that, Nana would sometimes approach Kabuki to pass the time. He would drop interesting tidbits of information here and there, but nothing much. Nana figured he gave her the bare minimum just to make her work harder, which of course, Nana hated doing. At least Kaito took to teaching her seriously.

Aside from those two, Nana only interacted with Sano, though it wasn't often. The other males stayed clear of her for the most part. They weren't willing to earn their mate's displeasure.

There was something Nana came to understand on a deep level soon after moving here. Yumi was the jealous type. Not the pouting kind, but the full-blown envious kind that would ruin your life simply because you flirted with a male she liked.

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