32. Tension

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Nana decided to hold off on all shop activity for now. If something was going to happen, she wanted her mates close. Elizabeth had the fear of the queen struck into her and it motivated her enough to speak up against her.

Nana was used to hearing mutterings of insults towards the queen and city now from the woman. Thankfully, Elizabeth had enough sense to whisper them with no nosy beasts around. It wasn't weird. Elizabeth did take serious offense at the practices and blatant prejudices of the city in the novel too.

Nana got where she was coming from, but there were no single, non-fox males around for Elizabeth's words to win over. In the worst case scenario, word gets back to the queen, the queen gets angry, and Elizabeth gets shipped off to a poor village somewhere. That was Nana's assumption.

Over the course of the next few days, Nana couldn't relax at all. She was very irritated that the author never detailed how Akito took over the city or why it happened. Well, other than Akito's twisted pursuit to get in touch with his emotions.

What happened to the queen? The king too? Those were kind of important people even if neither had strong roles in the novel.

Maybe some of it would be explained later in the story had the novel continued.

"Ugg. Why can't it just be peaceful!" Nana complained. Zen and Dakotah looked up from their business and threw in their two cents.

"It's not peaceful?" Dakotah asked while rubbing his chin.

"..." Zen remained quiet and thoughtful. He understood what she was talking about. Hopefully, things would get better soon.

Zen sighed deeply as Nana tried to explain things simply to Dakotah. When the bear failed to grasp it, Nana changed the subject.

While his mate was talking to Dakotah, Zen thought about his most recent visits with Akito. The last conversation he had with his brother unnerved him.

"Zen, you can't stay neutral and expect to have any pull," Akito had said in a matter of fact tone. "You know things can't continue this way much longer."

Zen had responded, "Is there no better option?" He had not thought of one himself, but couldn't stomach Akito's decision.

"You know the answer to that." Akito gave him a frown of disappointment that did not reach his eyes. "I know you aren't satisfied, but Genji is too weak and you are too young. Akira is... well, you know who he supports. There is no other qualified." Akito twirled a flower in his hands as if they weren't discussing a matter of great importance.

Zen had remained quiet because Akito was correct. He just didn't like that.

"Support me, Zen. I will grant you a wish or two if you do," Akito said the nice sounding words softly.

Zen had hesitated then. He was used to standing on the sidelines. He never wanted to step in, but he never thought things would happen so soon. He had a choice to make. A big one. "Nana stays out of it," Zen said firmly.

"I have no control over her actions, but I will not approach her if that is what you fear." When Zen did not respond, Akito had chuckled dryly. "Through success or failure, she will not be credited or incriminated."

Zen had more requirements, but he knew not to ask them up front. Akito would require results before Zen could make requests. "What do you want me to do?" Zen asked calmly.

Akito had smiled at him, but it did not reach his eyes. "Nothing yet, dear brother. When you are needed, I will call. Do be sure to answer promptly."

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