7. Playing With Purple Fire

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Over the next month, Nana added to her crafting accomplishments. At this point, it felt more like a hobby than her future investment. Nana just counted her lucky stars that she was enjoying it enough to not feel like it was work.

On top of that, she met the scarred royal fox again. Nana had not expected to see a royal in the outskirts. There was no reason they had to stay cooped up in the inner sanctum and Middle, but Nana was still surprised.

His fur was the same lavender color as his hair. He had four black socks that were pretty cute. His tail tip, chin, and chest were white. His scar was not nearly as noticeable in this form. It could have something to do with Nana being distracted by fluff, but she wasn't going to say for sure. At least, she managed to bow her head politely.

The royal was going to say something, but a small creature darted out of a hole close to Nana. Realizing its grave error, the creature froze. But its reaction was too slow. Nana was already in motion. The whole reason she was able to shift on command was due to her embracing her instincts readily. Another might feel the need to posture in front of the male due to his bloodline, but Nana wasn't another and she was now occupied.

Once she caught her prey, Nana released it. She was careful not to hurt it. It ran off and Nana had half a mind (the fox part) to start chasing it again. Before she came to a decision fully, the fox male grabbed the chipmunk in his mouth and ate it.

Had Nana been in her common form, her jaw might have dropped. Before she could stop herself, Nana questioned him, "Was that really necessary?" She caught her mistake a little too late. It was clear that she was indulging herself too often if she felt like she could talk like that to a royal.

"I did not think you wanted it," he said smoothly. His voice wasn't melodic like Kabuki's, but it had a lulling quality. It was calmer than she expected. Smooth and serene like water.

Nana shook her head rapidly. Was he enchanting her already? Royals were dangerous.

"No, but we both know it's not even snack size," Nana felt like she was coming off poorly still. "Letting it go means another chase." She has not helped herself at all.

'Yes Nana, tell a royal what to do. That'll go well,' she snarked at herself while careful not to vocalize it. She watched the fox carefully. He only stared at her. After a moment, he turned around and went towards the bushes. With a growl, he flushed out three unsuspecting rodents. They scattered and ran.

"There are more to chase," he said in a lighter tone. Nana wasn't sure, but she felt like she was being teased.

"You aren't chasing," Nana said pointedly. Her heart was no longer into it and she was still worried if he was influencing her or not.

"Do you want me to?" he cocked his head to the side. "But I will not."

Nana huffed and gave up. She could not get a fix on this aloof royal. She felt like he was looking down on her, but he wasn't holding her inappropriate conduct against her.

Kaito was next to her a moment later, head bowed. "I apologize for my cub. She will be educated again," Kaito promised in a grave tone.

Nana shivered and bowed her head lower. She did not want Kaito to apologize on her behalf. Not when it was her mistake; one that she knew better than to make.

"It's fine," muttered the purple fox. He turned and left. It was Kaito's turn to exhale a weary sigh.

"Cub..." Kaito warned.

Nana took the lecture she then received to heart. She had let herself grow too lax. She just wanted to live a more laid back life, but there was too much that she had to be careful of. Her dreams seemed so far away.

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