13. Goodbye (2nd) Childhood

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 Akito left the city the following day. Nana had a funny feeling about that. He went so willingly that she felt like he wanted the excuse to go. It wouldn't be out of character for him to be going off to do some shady business... Even so, she really couldn't say for sure.

Nana did relax once the news of his departure made its way to her ears. Since her mental state improved dramatically, she finally sat down with Zen and talked about the future. It was only slightly less uncomfortable than when she was in the throne room. Finding it easier to just bite the bullet, Nana asked him outright.

"Hey Zen, do you think you'll want to join my family?" Nana cringed at how weak that sounded. She couldn't make herself ask directly since he was underage. She was going to ask when he became an adult, but the queen forced her hand.

Zen steeled his expression to remain neutral. "What do you think I think?"

Nana lost all her uncomfortable feelings and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I'm not playing word games with you. I wasn't going to ask until you became an adult, but your mother is pretty... influential," Nana worded that very carefully. She was never going to disrespect the queen. Nana wanted to live, among other things.

"Assuming I don't have a change of heart in the next years, I do," Zen said flippantly.

Nana coughed and turned away. "Careful, what you say. You just might." Nana tried a lighthearted threat.

"That is unlikely," Zen replied wearing a smile that Nana could not see.

Since that conversation went somewhat awkwardly, Nana excused herself to go do anything else. There was still plenty to be done. Zen followed after her.

Amil met them both with food in maw, and the three of them got to work preparing it. Zen glanced at Nana, but she shrugged. He'd get used to her participating whether he approved or not.

While the food was cooking, Nana announced to them both, "I'm going to share my plans since you are both involved." Zen gave her an expression as if she was stating the obvious. She was, but still... Amil looked eager to listen at least.

"I'm going to use the time between now and my coming of age to earn as much wealth as I can. The den also needs to be stocked up before then. In the case of c-cubs," Nana stuttered when both their attentions grew sharper, "the den should be prepared for them. We are going to live as comfortably as possible." Nana felt kind of silly afterwards, but she wanted both of them to understand her goals better.

"We can do that Nana. You don't have to do anything," Amil insisted.

"No," Nana disagreed lightly. "If I help, things will go quicker. Once we are better off and have more members, I'll relax and leave it to you guys." Nana cringed at how that sounded. "And we won't be so hard pressed if I help. Breaks and rest are important, so all of my m-males will get them."

When was Nana going to get used to saying stuff like that? Hopefully sooner than later. Even Zen wasn't sure if he should be laughing at her or not. Nana could tell. Amil was looking at her like she was the sun and moon. Sighing, Nana filled them in with more detailed plans.

As time passed, Zen's inclusion in their group became normal. Amil and Zen got along much better now, although Nana wouldn't say they were buddies. She would describe them as comrades or allies. It was an improvement that Nana wholeheartedly welcomed.

Since it would be a little too blasphemous to ask a royal to man a simple stall, Amil was put in charge of it. Nana could tell he loved to have such a significant role, but she was worried. Amil was doing okay, but he wasn't a well-spoken type. Bargaining was not his forte, and he would sometimes cost them kon.

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