30. Achievements

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On a beautiful and sunny spring day, Nana sat outside playing her koto. She hadn't been playing often, but she still did occasionally. Her skill with it was much poorer than Zen's, but it wasn't terrible. Elizabeth liked it enough to ask Nana to teach her. Nana didn't have two to work with and wasn't willing to give the koto up, so she set Elizabeth up on the lyre. Nana showed off her atrocious ability with the flute too since Elizabeth was interested. Elizabeth never requested Nana play that one again.

They were well into the second month of the season of life. Nana hadn't been back to the Middle at all and Zen said the rumors about her died down. Hard to remain a hot topic when she was playing ghost. Since Nana stayed in the outskirts mostly and those who loved gossip never came that far, the chatty females got bored of her. They probably moved onto another target a while ago.

Elizabeth had caught several single males' attentions during her trips to and from Nana's place, but she rejected them all. Nana sighed, but refrained from pushing her thoughts yet. She'll give it another month before bringing up the topic. If the timeline stayed similar, which it hadn't been so far, trouble would happen in the middle of the season of scorch. Elizabeth really could use having some males by then.

At this time, Karan was tending to the stall in the village and had been gone for five days. She sent him with a lot of goods, but did not intend to sell them all. Nana only wanted more of her stuff at the village den in case they end up there. The trip would normally take a week, but Karan could do it in three days. Since he had stuff to drag, Nana added two days onto the estimation. Knowing Karan, he'd come back as soon as possible.

While Nana wouldn't say she beefed up, she would say she was in good shape. She even managed to land a few clawless swipes on Zen. Elizabeth found their sparring highly entertaining and requested Nana spar with her.

"I know a few self defense moves," Elizabeth said with a sparkle in her eyes.

Hmm. Nana thought about it, "Okay, we can try." And like that, the two females sparred.

Elizabeth did know some moves, but her execution wasn't fast enough to land any hits on Nana. There was a time in the novel that Elizabeth actually managed to hurt a male with her attacks, but Nana was convinced that was a plot convenient moment. Her thoughts did not change after sparing with Elizabeth.

The two worked on it almost everyday until Nana's birthday came and went. She was now 19 years old. Nana proved, by every action, that she wasn't tied to the original storyline. If she was, she'd already be picking fights with Elizabeth and they wouldn't be sparring matches.

Like she was in the story, Elizabeth was all about using her modern knowledge to better the world. Elizabeth had the special skill called 'author said so' which gave her unparalleled, quality information on how to rake in achievements here in this world.

Thanks to her magical friend, Nana learned how to make ink, paper, and dye for clothing. Elizabeth could sew and even had some basic medical knowledge thanks to her studying it back on earth. Since their friendship was definitely profiting her, Nana was more than glad to keep hanging around Elizabeth.

Nana did grill her often about royals, but Zen was the only one Elizabeth has met up until this point. That was good. Nothing good would come of associating with Akito.

Elizabeth was more than happy to share her education with Nana since the woman; no, female had done a lot for her. It felt more like an even exchange instead of Elizabeth being the only one receiving.

Nana effectively decided to hire Elizabeth as an employee. Most of her mates were baffled, but she had her reasons. Elizabeth had a complex about being useless. In the story, it drove her to do some reckless and arguably stupid things. The woman needed a job and Nana was happy to provide it.

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