33. Oh, Crap

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About two months into the season of scorch, Nana and her cubs lay strewn across the floor of her den. She cursed the heat while her boys soaked in two small water basins that they were much too big for. They were crazy hot too. The season of scorch sucked.

It was on such a day, that Karan hissed exaggeratedly causing Nana to lunge into action. Karan slithered out the door and Troy stepped in-between her and the assumed threat. Nana's ears perked up as she grabbed her boys. They were too big for her to carry both of them easily, but her adrenaline spike helped.

It took a minute for Nana to pick up the sound of approach from a group of beasts. Karan flared his power in warning causing the procession to halt briefly. Out of the group stepped an ash-purple haired male with equally light colored eyes. His gaze locked with Karan's for a breath before focusing on Nana despite the distance between them. His slitted pupils sized her up much like her own were doing to him.

"Nana, bloodline of Iyo, I've come to ask you several questions of great importance," he spoke in a haughty tone with a self-righteous air.

His words were firm and left no room for her to decline. She bowed respectively and gave her greetings. He returned them and introduced himself as Akira, one of the princes.

"First," he began, "when was the last time you had contact with Zen?"

Nana's hackles rose and a growl nearly escaped her. Nana used every bit of control to hold back her defensive animosity and nerves. She did not lie despite being tempted to.

"This morning, before dawn," Nana said with a false facade of calm.

"And do you know where he went?" Akira's eyes narrowed while trying to detect any lies in Nana.

"He did not tell me," Nana said firmly.

"Was there anything unusual or off about his behavior?" Akira probed.

Nana grew very nervous. Whatever happened must be bad. "Tense, but otherwise normal." Nana mixed truth with an exaggeration. He wasn't normal, but he was the same as he had been since he joined Akito's side.

Akira focused on Nana sharply while slowly approaching. "Do you have any idea what he has done?"

Nana had to keep from licking her dry lips. Karan hissed in warning.

"Do you not know whose presence you are in?" Akira asked Karan.

"I do not care who you are if you are a threat to my mate." Karan's words struck like cold knives.

"Foolish," Akira said with a growl. "Watch yourself, snake. You are in the City of Gold and you will bow to its rulers."

Karan disagreed vehemently by offering a sharp glare. Nana interrupted them to ask about Zen.

"Your Highness, we are all tense right now. I beg your forgiveness." Nana acted to the best of her ability as she answered the question she was asked. "I do not know. Will you please tell me?"

"You are not permitted to ask questions," he shot her plea down while glaring at Karan. "If you do not know, then you do not. Know that he has committed a crime that he will be punished for."

Nana's heart clenched tightly as it raced erratically. 'What in the world happened?' Nana could only ask herself in fear. Her hand almost shot up to touch Zen's mark, but she caught herself. That would be too telling and the male in front of her did not need to know how she felt about Zen.

"If he makes any contact with you, you are required to report it immediately. A guard will remain here to keep watch." Akira did not wait for anyone's opinion. Karan preceded to flex his power again in defiance.

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